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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. The Deputy I'm saving for later, the prisoner's just go back to jail, remember Carol made them promise to let the law handle it So, am working on the next chapter, i wrote the ending and it truly sucked, but i think I'm on to something now...
  2. Somebody has a little repressed rage there
  3. I gotta bury someone...but who...?
  4. Do t worry, no plane crashes...
  5. So I just killed off the twins and the plane Emma was in just crashed... too much?
  6. my kinda girl... oh, I am so gonna pay for that...many many times...
  7. here it is...go ahead...well, what are you waiting for?
  8. Mmmm, plenty of clowns where I live... Anyway, I'm gonna have to push back my estimate for completion of the next chapter a day...I've been shanghied...not that I mind
  9. does that mean you don't have a soul...just askin...
  10. And my evil family would just devour your souls if they ever found out...
  11. She likes her little car, says its easy to park, which is true, you just pick it up and set it down in the spot!
  12. Should have it sometime tonight or by morning latest. Driving the wife's clown car with three adults ten hours from New York nearly killed me, but feeling less like a gerbil today
  13. know you probably already know this, but I just want to let you know that if you start too google boy in the grass, Google will autocomplete your search for this. I find it funny that Google is autocompleting a search for a sex story for ANYONE, but whatever. ANON That's crazy, I know you can search for it but autocomplete? Just another sign that society is crumbling; move over Romans - here we come!
  14. Ah yes, Halloween, or when my family crawls outta the ground for a visit <*sigh*>
  15. I don't know what a word find book is...is that a dictionary of some sort... So I gotta say no Ever TP someone's house (Halloween is coming up after all)
  16. Thanx, have no idea how to top it though...
  17. Nope love being overwhelmed. Ever pretend you losing cell phone signal so you could hang up on someone?
  18. I hate you all! Was that too harsh a review was it?
  19. I'm a Raiders fan, much too depressed.
  20. I so miss giant fireballs! They get so bent outta shape when you blow something up here.
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