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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Not to worry, I don't think I'll be cleaning house quite so radically. I have to leave a few people alive after all... But I'm ready just in case
  2. Regardless of country, solar system, galaxy, or universe, there is only one footbal...come on now, even the Canadians have fallen in line Sort of... See, this is soccer There's a reason football players wear helmets...they make great weapons!
  3. Ohhhhh, so many good ideas! Where to begin?
  4. Because this thread id getting depressing! yeah, yeah, but why?
  5. Yeah, I was thinking maybe one of the newly rescued girls or maybe mike
  6. because in the real world good guys die too, makes it more realistic; but don't worry I'm not gonna kill core characters off, but I do have a few ideas that would be interesting on some of the periphrial characters
  7. see below but they have to be in broadband link range, regular internet can't handle the large data dump. But remember one of Max's (Alice and May as well) upgrades was a small nanobot mainframe that can handle at least one download so they have to be with in a hundred yards or so of him or Alice or May. And remember that the download isn't a sure thing, Max commented on it once that any glitch in the download would corrupt the data beyond reclamation. So just because the brain survives the second or so it takes the brain map to download doesn't mean the person will survive. But I'm sure you know there are certain characters that I couldn't kill of without completely changing the tone of the story, plus people have favorites and no matter which one I kill there would be one hell of a backlash...believe it or not I do listen to my readers, often I go my own way but sometimes I change horses. In fact May/June was never supposed to come back and Marge just joins the harem and she, Emma, and Max become a permanant item...probably would never have been a Petra or Tatiana (Though I am having a lot of fun with this storyline, gives me a chance to write male/male which is outside my experience so forgive me if I make a mistake) not sure there would have been a hans either, but maybe... so there will be a, if not main, at least a first teir character biting the dust relatively soon...actuall their will be several deaths as things start to go to hell! But who...?
  8. I was thinking about killing off Max, and the twins build a mechanical Max that turnd evil and kills them all...oh damn, that would have been a pefect Halloween stand alone!
  9. Keep going guys, I knoe you're all pissed about something!
  10. A flame about three feet tall! So started this to see if we can get something moving, no rules just share with everyone what pissed you off today. So I'll start: Got one of those taped political add phone calls - on my cell! Those are my minutes buddy, so hands off. And on Sunday, really?!? If you wanted me to vote for your opponent, disturbing my Footbsll watching was the perfect way to do it!
  11. Hannibal Lecter: A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
  12. The NFL theme, it is sunday after all
  13. Yeah, my significant other is big into knitting and talked me into it, so far all I can do is make scarves but considering how screwed up my hands are I'm surprise I can do it at all. Ever laugh so hard you had milk, or your beverage of choice, shoot out your nostrils?
  14. Yeah, there will be some core members dieing, but that is a few chapters off, first christmas playtime, then Hans, then we lose someone I think, just not sure who...have some ideas but I have to be careful because each of the inner circle brings something to the story and if I pick the wrong one it will change the whole feeling of the story.
  15. You of course mean soccer... there is only one football!
  16. yeah it is getting kinda crowded, guess I'll have to start killing some off...
  17. Next Holliday please... Notice the football
  18. Ah Halloween...or as we like to call it here: National Insulin Day!
  19. Ok, speculating time is over - place your bets cause chapter 28 is up!
  20. Those who write on bathroom walls Roll their shit in little balls Those who read these words of wit Eat those little balls of shit!
  21. Here I sit broken hearted, Tried to shit but only farted, Wasted a dime, oh what the hell, At least I can sit here and enjoy the smell! Those old enough to remember pay toilets, please explain the dime part to the youngsters
  22. Um, I was talking about chapter 28... but something to keep in mind...
  23. nope, always got drunk face to face - though does sound interesting. ever throw up at Waffle House after drinking all night?
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