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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Its a pretty good story, cliffhanger though , I guess I'm a bad influence Yep, plus he wouldn't want to make a big deal about leaving her home, not wanting to panic his family. Also remember he thought Rick was over reacting anyway
  2. When Rick starts telling his background, I'll bring it up, but you have to remember he was dirty, probably bloody from a fire fight, and she only saw him for a minute when sh was terrified out of her mind...
  3. so had a brain fart and this fell out: about Leia, i wonder if david built her...and maybe rick found her in a pod...could she actually be a robot? hmmmm
  4. what can i say, i must have snapped...its all kinda fuzzy...
  5. the nine, i tend to go for the head with a rifle...force of habit i guess
  6. Stopped by there when I saw your post here Rescue, wow that place has changed...still ranting about the age thing though, LOL
  7. No, I saved the Leia explanation for back story, Rick is going to have a prominate place in book three, kinda like the twins do now, probably even more...nothing too twisty, but I feel Rick needs more of a past
  8. is she really his daughter though....hmmmmm...
  9. Yay! Internet is finallt up and so is GITG 35
  10. Oh look at you, you little multitask dr you!
  11. No, your just supposed to die and reduce the surplus population! ( go Scrooge!)
  12. Then they take their sweet ass time fixing it! Well everyone is gone or at school...I'm lonely wish I had class today, think I'll go to the range and shoot stuff!
  13. A little hand to hand training solved the problem, well actually is was more foot to groin!
  14. What really bugs me is my cable company who is probably charging me for internet I don't have!
  15. Happy happy joy joy by renn and stimpy
  16. Better living through chemistry is my motto.
  17. Ok, the update at casa crazy: some idiot took out the telephone pole a block from my house so my only internet is my phone. Unfortunately I can't post from it, but I have been assured everything will be repaird shortly. The story is written and have started the next chapter; although little girls are like hound dogs evidently; they seem to have no trouble hunting me down . No internet means I am the only remaining source of entertainment, plus the women keep telling them to go see what I'm doing, the rats!
  18. Another turky day shot to hell, thre big toms deep fried and my boots are soaked in oil...oh well, at least they were tasty!
  19. Hard to write with three little girls crawling all over you, but yeah it's fun, at least I know they love me even though they'll probably kill me before Monday
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