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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Do what I do, ask a teenager, not the sex stuff, unless you're pretty open about that stuff, but the angst and stuff. I just sit and listen to my girls for a hour and I've got enough for two books LOL
  2. Eh go for it. Have fun be campy, go wild. I mean we do this for ourselves anyway, not getting rich here so might as well let her rip and damn anyone who doesn't have a sense of humor!
  3. I always look at it like this, write like you speak. In first person you're writing someone's thought so yeah there should be as much extra crap as normal people use in speech, in fact gramer and syntax be damned, who speaks english good anyway? As for thidr person, I always envision the narrator as some old guy sitting around a campfire telling a story; sure you want things a little more gramatically correct but you still want it to sound human.
  4. I don't know, story didn't seem that bad to me; had to look everything up but I'm not a big anime guy, or manga,,,not sure what the difference is anf i'm sure that says it all. anyway, sorry about your troll, i had a few on another site, just ignored them but they got kinda nasty sometimes so i can understand your frustration. i say screw em, it was a well written piece and i'm sure people enjoyed it, i did, well once i figured out who everyone was...
  5. train wrecks are good...right...anyone?
  6. So I finally went out to the local watering hole, and after a few cold ones I excused myself to add to the water table. As I looked up, I saw that someone had written, in blue ballpoint pen, "Titties and Beer". Now I tell you this not to complain or for some slightly pornographic joke, but to share with you that those three little words reaffirmed my faith in humanity!
  7. Fucked Up Dude Gets EvEn SPLAT
  8. I certainly hope so, well time wise that is!
  9. i plan on writing when im gone, sandals has internet. im sure the girls will do some shopping or lay in the sun, so i should have a little free time
  10. don't leave till week after next, so probablt get a few chapters before i go
  11. Well its just sorta dangerous compared to some of the stuff I used to do...well still do on occasion I guess. Anyway, it's easy to get overconfident and as we all know, that's when the feces impacts the rotary wind generator
  12. I imagined something like the storm troopers in star wars...dating myself now. But yeah ME N7 armor is about what I had in mind. Light enough to move around in but still heavy enough to stop most everything thrown at them, also providing near full body coverage. Now the soft vests are more like standard LE body armor only using sheer thickening tech instead of just straight kevlar. It'll stop the projectiles but still leave the wearer vulnerable to the blunt trauma of impact, and I can tell you it hurts like hell when you take a hit in soft body armor something like that anyway, maybe a cross between the two, or this stuff is out there now
  13. You need a computer; writing on a phone sux, I know.
  14. Should've named this thought of whenever I get around to it... anyway, just found my new bar:
  15. sexbot not terminator, just didn't put machine guns in her wumblies...after market upgrade maybe?
  16. a lot cuter than Arnold though
  17. yeah, could be fun but have to keep some vulnerability, if its too one sided for too long it gets boring. Max is gonna learn in book three he's not the only one with cool toys
  18. if any girls are interested, I'm willing to help
  19. I wish. Course if it was easy everyone would want to do it
  20. Ok this talk of leashes is disconcerting - don't give my girls ideas! Besides it was just baby sitting, not really dangerous, I just got a little complacent and the universe gave me a friendly reminder not to let my guard down
  21. yeah, i learned my lesson...rookie mistake and lucky all i got was a scratch...at least i get the stitches out monday, should help with the itching
  22. so just wondering, do grls keep a stat sheet on their litle kitty; you know, width, hieght, depthe, presensce of an echo...just curious...
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