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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Typically my longer stories will insert “THE END” at the end of my story, usually a tip-off to the readers
  2. Jefferey, Episode #28 (Market) has been posted. (Yes, seems like I’ve neglected promoting for a while, episodes 21-27 are also up.)
  3. IIRC, that’s still out-of-order. If you need a new warning tag, put it at the top of the first chapter.
  4. That’s half the fun… More seriously, yeah, there’s reddits and tales on the internet about things that shouldn’t have been put up the bum. Entertaining and full of ideas when baby carrots vanish up there!
  5. Of course. Like any rule of thumb, break it, subvert expectations! Heck, have a dildo fall out of the teacher’s desk.
  6. Guess it depends on how many encounters you’ve got too. First sex—hands on. Subsequent, some couples would experiment.
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