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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Jefferey, Episode #30 (Slip) has been posted. Enjoy.
  2. Got about five months to work on a Halloween story.

    1. Deadman


      Well you’ve got a fair amount of time then.

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Shh!  I was trying to spook everybody else!  :)

  3. Jefferey, Episode #29 (Fallout) has been posted. Enjoy.
  4. Definitely no underpants either. He’d accuse you of attempted castration if you made him wear a pair of those.
  5. Search engine? Nah, go ask your local librarian, help keep those places interesting! </sarcasm> As to Jeff… his tan has no lines
  6. Would an average person even make the distinction between the pelvis vs pussy or the stomach? Have to admit I typically don’t even bother making it myself as I’m writing. Maybe simply go with their “lap”?
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