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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Depending on how dirty I wanted to go, that certainly would work. But, given his mindset at the time, more along the lines of "get her back", it'd be fighting. That's how I envisioned it when writing it (which the point was to get him to the front door, as is, so his father could quickly grab him). - DP
  2. SR: Jefferey (episode #1) Most likely, if I had written him that far, would've been a nice, brotherly, attitude correction (ie, a underwelming fists/hitting/screaming, until the sister apologized or, more likely, when the mother stopped it). As always, thank you for the review, it had been so long, I was a deer dazed by the headlights when it came in. - DP
  3. Coated with 24 Carrots of gold?
  4. "Cold & Hot" Episode #4 for SR: Jefferey is now available. - DP p.s. I've been striving for weekly postings, so far, so good, and even an extra posting last week
  5. Plot bunnies can't simply be put down because they've got the power of regeneration. Cut it in two, each half will regenerate and you'll have two plot bunnies where there used to be one. Run one over with a lawn mower, and it's a real mess.
  6. I'll put that pot bunny up for adoption.
  7. Well, I suppose the scan could've shown up as him being pregnant -- that would've been a very interesting conversation.
  8. Hmmm.... writing while in the doctor's office, that sounds intriguing.
  9. How long could a woman reasonably hide a pregnancy from those around her? Now, if said woman is an expert with the sewing machine, (ie, very loose fitting clothes), could this reasonably be hidden the entire time w/o arousing too many suspicions? Thanks - DP
  10. New episode to a new story, chronicling Jeff's background. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108225
  11. "Concert", Episode #7 for SR: Dolbourne Chronicles, is now available. - DP
  12. Chapter 11, for SR Fiends, is now available for your enjoyment. Cheers, - DP
  13. Two things for SR: Dolbourne! First, I added material to episode #2 (look for July 11th, read after, if you've previously read the episode). Second, I released episode #3, which was the old first chapter, now called "Naturally in the K", Jaimie's free spirit encounters kindergarten, are they ready for him? - DP
  14. Alright, I'm turning Dolbourne Chronicles into an episodic format, with some themes/plots running between the episodes. Its going to be a bit disjointed in continuity as I decided to go ahead and post the first episode w/o deleting the old chapters. (Old chapters will be deleted after a matching episode is posted -- and given there's only three chapters, this won't linger for too long.) So, episode #1, "Wedding" is posted, and it's at the end of the story. - DP
  15. My Potter fanfic was started in 2003, just before OotP was released... last updated in 2012, and still WIP. So time does AU many of the fics. (And most of them tweak the canon somehow, which does make it, by its nature, AU)
  16. The bigger danger in these situations is fanfics getting abandoned once the new book/show is released.
  17. I tend to think of AFF as a place that's open to most writing (except plagerists that get the tar and feather treatment or the writer's underage). If a story needs mpreg, then it can have mpreg -- or xeno, or tentacles, as the author desires.
  18. I use the rule of thumb that if I have to ask whether a particular tag suits, then it's better to over-tag than to under-tag. I treat tags as warnings, not advertisements. - DP
  19. I'm a tad disappointed, I checked and my HP fanfics (ff.net) weren't included in the ripoff.
  20. [Tent] and [Xeno] could certainly add to the squeak factor.
  21. Can the code be tweaked to hide the ratings until it's altered/updated? (Figure the ignorance is bliss POV)
  22. If it's about a story, you can probably leave a review. Otherwise, you can use the forum's private message system if both you and the author have profiles. So, I think you need to be logged in, first, with a forum account. Then, you find the author's forum profile, and click on the "Send me a message" button. (Pretty self-explanatory after that). - DP
  23. I'm in original fiction... it could be a dislike for a tag, dislike for not going straight for the smut, but without a review/message, it's a wild guess. I was planning to wait for a chapter or two, see if it persists before raising it as an issue, because it's tough to tell if its a legitimate (non-malicious) downvote or not.
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