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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. On the main page (adult-fanfiction.org), I tried clicking on the drop down menu “Archives” → “Main Archive” → “Fairy Tales, Fables, Folklore, Legends and Myths”. I get a 404 error for the url (http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?cat=22).
  2. Episode #13, “Messy” is now posted for your reading enjoyment. Cheers, - DP
  3. Episode #12, “Swimsuits” is now posted, have fun.
  4. Yes, “but it’ll get better on its own” (well, that the typical argument). Or “the doctor’s appointment’s just a month away”, which, in the case of my namesake, meant his widow (my grandmother) returned from the funeral to pick up the reminder card from the mailbox. - DP
  5. Welcome back! I do actually have a review/discussion thread too. (http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/59549-star-rebels-review-replies/) Admiral Chicken, nice idea, but didn’t really get the airtime he deserved.
  6. Well, I decided to undo the split, merge Jefferey back together with Jeff’s Warriors, simply make them “part 1”, “part 2”, etc… I think this will also help out with Dolbourne Chronicles, because that one will have similar issues.
  7. Why oh why did I first read the topic as "Original Writer Sacrifice"?
  8. Does the 'like this' button do anything?
  9. Wrote this in the SB, but still applies. DA, may you be blessed with a bunch of nudists for students....um, strike that, I think the parents might have an issue with that.
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