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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Sanity’s overrated. Crazy’s just the first step to interesting.
  2. TGIF

    1. BronxWench


      Now that I’m back from an airport run, absolutely! :lol:


  3. The caret is blinking, teasing me into revising.  Must resist.

    1. BronxWench


      Resistance is futile. Revision is inevitable. :P 

    2. Darkalley_Muse


      Yes, one has no choice but to yield to the terrible splendour of Revision, the dread god of writing. -snicker- Seriously though, I feel you. Learning when to stop tweaking definitely isn’t the same as learning to actually stop. -_-;

  4. At the point of the explosion, it could certainly go faster, because you’ll have high pressure/temperature. However, that energy will dissipate as the shockwave moves outward, slowing it down. Noise from the shockwave will propagate about the speed of sound. Without getting more details and running the numbers, I can’t get more specific (nor do I really feel like running the numbers at the moment). - DP
  5. Wishing everybody a Happy Equinox!

    1. BronxWench


      And the same to you! :D

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