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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. My Potter fanfic was started in 2003, just before OotP was released... last updated in 2012, and still WIP. So time does AU many of the fics. (And most of them tweak the canon somehow, which does make it, by its nature, AU)
  2. The bigger danger in these situations is fanfics getting abandoned once the new book/show is released.
  3. I tend to think of AFF as a place that's open to most writing (except plagerists that get the tar and feather treatment or the writer's underage). If a story needs mpreg, then it can have mpreg -- or xeno, or tentacles, as the author desires.
  4. I use the rule of thumb that if I have to ask whether a particular tag suits, then it's better to over-tag than to under-tag. I treat tags as warnings, not advertisements. - DP
  5. I'm a tad disappointed, I checked and my HP fanfics (ff.net) weren't included in the ripoff.
  6. [Tent] and [Xeno] could certainly add to the squeak factor.
  7. Can the code be tweaked to hide the ratings until it's altered/updated? (Figure the ignorance is bliss POV)
  8. If it's about a story, you can probably leave a review. Otherwise, you can use the forum's private message system if both you and the author have profiles. So, I think you need to be logged in, first, with a forum account. Then, you find the author's forum profile, and click on the "Send me a message" button. (Pretty self-explanatory after that). - DP
  9. I'm in original fiction... it could be a dislike for a tag, dislike for not going straight for the smut, but without a review/message, it's a wild guess. I was planning to wait for a chapter or two, see if it persists before raising it as an issue, because it's tough to tell if its a legitimate (non-malicious) downvote or not.
  10. If I were to do a self-insertion, I'd rather be a villian, they have so much FUN, at least before the end.
  11. on the tracking. Getting downvoted w/o explanation is both frustrating and discouraging (I've been on the receiving end of it before--and suspect they struck my current fic, but that's only got its first chapter so far.).
  12. My pet idea for tags has been some level of intensity/rating per tag, like adult+ or adult++, it could be Xeno, Xeon+, Xeno++. This lets somebody tag [Xeno] because it might have a little bit, and [Xeno++] for it being a major theme to the story. I say this because I've very likely overtagged my stories just to be safe on the warnings, but, if somebody's deliberately looking for a specific tag, then the ++ would indicate its pretty much guaranteed. - DP
  13. Thanks to KoKoa_B and BronxWench for the reviews so far. Yeah, I was having to write that as backstory for the current book/story I'm working on, so it wasn't much to polish it off and make it one of my holiday one-shots.
  14. The Frost Effect Great! Nice and lighthearted. Yule's Gift Deep, rich. Good reading.
  15. And I couldn't leave well enough alone, a second fic.... Title: The Phone, Part II Summary: Honeymoon is over, but Marcia keeps messaging during Thanksgiving and a holiday meet-greet for the families left behind on Earth. Tags/Warnings: Angst, Exhib, HJ, M/F, Minor2
  16. Title: Mistletoe Hanging Summary: Long before Jaimie or Joe were born, a fourteen year old Ernest Campbell goes to the "Winter Solstice Festival" high school dance; it's a night he'll never forget. Anticipated Tags: Angst, Bigotry, MiCD, NoSex, Violence
  17. Thanks to all who reviewed. (including CL, BW, JayDee, DA/Lizzie/Magus) - DP
  18. Desiderius Price Title: The Phone Summary/Synopsis: In a pinch, Marcia (from Star Rebels: Alaska Trekkers) starts using the phone of her dearly departed brother; she starts sending him messages, not expecting a reply.
  19. If you have other relatives (ie parents, cousins, etc), you could have the "falling out" be rather public, so there's an implicit assumption that the man isn't interested in his niece, when the truth is discovered.
  20. And I'm writing another story to show a bit of the s.o.b aspect of the society that my characters hate.
  21. Be careful with showing, not telling, because even that can be taken to an extreme (and, it's also some fertile breeding ground for plot bunnies). I tend to prefer showing over telling, myself. And if it needs to be "told", it's generally better to have a couple of characters discussing it. - DP
  22. Like most here, I'm writing because I enjoy it. But, there is a subtle difference between writing for just myself and writing to post; whether it's completing a story, or filling in missing gaps -- and as I'm unpaid in this, the hit counters/reviews do let me know that the extra effort is appreciated. That's my next $0.50 worth (doubling CL's bid - DP
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