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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. 39000
  2. 38998
  3. That’s one way to whittle down on my friends list there, the other is go political pro/anti-president.
  4. I hadn’t really considered that. When I first wrote it, I was thinking of it in the same manner as you would “leather”, a generic “leather” jacket + trousers; the reason being that the main characters needed some level of armor against magical attacks, which would be coming more frequently. (Not impervious to curses, just enough resistance so they’d have a chance to get out their wands to fight whatever the threat was.) They’ll still get the garments in the adult version, just that they’d too preoccupied with what had transpired (kidnapping of their girls, eminent harm) in the adult version that they’d jump into action butt naked – testosterone is a powerful hormone, able to cause the smartest of smart to become really stupid :p
  5. While I know @DemonGoddess only gets two (if her employer actually honors its), I didn’t want to rub in that I’m now on a nine day weekend….

    On the plus side, I’ve already got a little incest scene written for my potter fanfic…

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Or work on the harry potter fanfic.  Though I’ll likely switch to that shortly.  I’ve got something in mind.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Whats the pairing?

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Harry/Muggle and Ron/Hermione.   In the “adult” version that I’m working on as I re-read/revise, I cross the streams, add a touch of a more polygamous four-way, Harry/Ron/Hermione/Muggle, while keeping Ron/Hermione and Harry/Muggle as the primaries.   It’s AU, post-GoF, but a 6th/7th year story, sequel to the 5th year story… and that 5th year was inspired by another fanfic, which is why I haven’t posted them here.   After years in “hiatus”, I do kinda wonder what the fans would think by a sudden revival :)

  6. 38996
  7. Depends on the version. In the “clean” version, I think it’s dragon hide. In the “adult” version, I’m thinking they’ll be naked
  8. In this fandom, death is death, cannot come back once they’re dead. Though, obviously, as main characters, they’re a bit more invincible than a Star Trek red shirt would have.
  9. What a coincidence, I hate wearing clothes too….. Promotion is basically marketing; where you’re trying to gain readership. So, if contributing a story to a round robin gains me a reader or two, that’s GREAT! Even still, I do have fun writing them, so there is that.
  10. Take a read of the existing ones, (& review ): http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108028 http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108385 http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108780 Just a Halloween element and original is the tradition for the Halloween ones. Though, I choose to make mine related to my existing stories in some fashion, so in mine, I’ve done: The Phone: A “haunted” phone Sweater: Bullying’s effects (around Halloween) Bones: Teens in a haunted Indian burial ground on Halloween. For the other round robin, it’s holiday related, so: The Phone, Part II: Sequel to the phone, (holiday followup) Mistletoe Hanging: A teen boy goes to his school’s winter dance Jump: Helping a veteran on Christmas Eve Baby Shark: Two boys around Christmas And the two boys one, I started having a lot of ideas, too many; so I took the single holiday idea, wrote it, while the rest of the plot bunnies became the longer chaptered sequel, Dale’s Game. If you do as I do, place it into an existing original universe, don’t expect the readers to have read any of your existing works. (As its kinda why I decided to submit in the first place, to hopefully lure some readers in to my other stories.)
  11. So far, it’s been a different volunteer stepping forward, as I did for the 2016 one. It’s definitely fun to have a smorgasbord of different stories, read authors you don’t normally read. For the holiday 2015, I submitted two stories, one of which was a sequel to my Halloween story.
  12. The previous ones (halloween & holiday): http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/60996-affs-tales-from-the-shoutbox-2015/ http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/61534-aff-deck-the-shoutbox-2015/ http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64096-2016s-tales-from-the-aff-chat/ http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64342-chatbox-holiday-cheer-2016/ http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/65894-2017-halloween-party/ (warning, the topic post text is white, so use a dark background) http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66153-walkin-in-a-writers-wonderland-2017/ I’ve contributed a story (or two) to each one of them.
  13. It’s only two months away! I’ve got an idea already for mine. May or may not be the one I submit.
  14. Toss in another idea ... Do those halloween/holiday round robins that we like to do, submit a oneshot and maybe pick up some readers that way.
  15. It’s a chicken-and-the-egg sort of thing, unfortunately, you really need dedicated fans to really help promote, but you need to promote to get enough dedicated fans, otherwise, it’s just advertising yet-another-smut-story. And with the type of stories posted here, I’m not going to post on FB, under my real name about it. I do the promote-a-story for my originals, use them as examples on occasion, and tried to have a bigger presence here on the forums; that’s kinda it. For my potter stories, I did have a yahoo group for it, where I’d post status, etc, but that required people to join up – fortunately, that other archive does have automated alerts to new chapter posts.
  16. True. However, with this device (in canon), IIRC, there are no bodies… convenient And technically, as the canon device was introduced after I started writing, so I’m already AU, I can alter it to fit my needs. However, given the name of said device, it can be presumed that nobody, previously, has survived the encounter, the other characters can be forgiven for assuming that it was successful on the smaller party. As I had started this story at the start of my writing hobby, there are some deus ex-ish spots already inthe plot, before I really understood the concept; my sense for detecting it came while working on this. I didn’t have a name for many years afterwards, more of the “random-last-second-rescue” seemed a bit unrealistic, for it to always work. Eventually, I stopped using it as much, though I reserved the last one for this particular juncture in the story; because I had already established a sense that a particular character was watching and would intervene in the case of one of the main characters, and this most certainly qualified (ie, that particular character is the reason my MC isn’t immediately dead from said device).
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