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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. I like to do a little bit more than minimum, just so that describing “red T-shirt” isn’t obvious that it’s important, but going into an involved description into the intricacies of the stitch/weave pattern is typically beyond where I’ll write to. A little extra is fine, ie, lamp is green … I mean, do I need to remind the readers that a male character has a penis? Probably not, but I’ll still add in some mention of it
  2. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. As a writer, I tend to prefer leaning on the reader’s imagination, I mean, they should have an imagination, right? Esp as that imagination can fill in the detail much more than my words can. So, my typical description of a character… a sentence of two, because, well, when I’m a reader, I find that pages and pages of description to be a pet peeve of mine.
  3. Don’t chew your arm off! Having some tips are good, especially when they’re word patterns that can indicate a more serious issue, but sometimes those words are the right choice.
  4. He was wasted when he wanted to waist holster his right to bear arms?
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