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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Just saw this elsewhere, “Please do not annoy the writer.  They may put you in a book and kill you.”

  2. Time flies.  Realized that last night was two months without my favorite cat, I still miss him as much as ever.

    1. BronxWench


      :hug:  They are always a part of us—maybe the best part, I sometimes think.

    2. Melrick


      I wish I could say you’ll miss him less as time goes on, but I’d be lying.  It’s been well over a decade since I had to have my beloved cat, Ginger, put to sleep, and I still miss him as much as ever, even though I’ve had my current cat for ten years.  I was trying to think of a positive way to end this, but I really can’t think of anything.  Hey, at least I’m honest!

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      It was between college and my first pro job when they came into my life, when I was grateful for a roof over my head.  And you know we were bachelors when we simply thought the Queen to be “getting a bit fat” … several days later, I hear the high pitch distress, and come across her; it took me a moment to realize the small things underneath her were feet.  I think those first feet were my beloved cat; it could’ve been his identical twin, in all, six kittens were had that day, and I eventually kept three.  The one that passed is the one that convinced me to keep them; he’s the one that’s made it clear over the years that I his, he looked up to me; I’ve not been so sure about the other two.  So, having seen him out of life, when he was relatively young, is still weighing on me – I think if this had happened at 20 with some serious illness for a bit, I’d be more at peace with it than I am.  His ashes are here, with me, tucked just underneath the monitor, which is fitting as he used to love sleeping/laying beneath the desk – I miss having to worry about him and my feet.

  3. Write it and the appropriate readers will (likely) come along and enjoy it.
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