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Desiderius Price

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Posts posted by Desiderius Price

  1. 14 minutes ago, CloverReef said:

    I think I would like to crack open all your skulls and steal your brains and smoosh them into mine. I’m working on one. ONE. One WIP. I can’t even wrap my head around working on a second at the same time. Soooo the obvious solution is brain thievery + bio-engineering? Hm, maybe I should think this through. :alien:

    Or, you could donate your brain to the cause, the zombies would very much appreciate the consideration.  (ps.  Never too early to start considering Halloween stories...)

  2. 6 hours ago, KassX said:

    Aww, well no one can help getting distracted by plot bunnies: they are so gosh darn cute after all :D 

    Of course @CL Mustafic we expect you to finish all 37 of them!!!

    As an update, I was inspired by this thread and all of you to up my WIP list to three! THREE WHOLE STORIES 

    As another, unrelated update, I now hate this thread and all of you :P:P

    I’m glad we’re able to inspire! :)


  3. 9 hours ago, Durian said:

    I enjoy writing fanfics of the deep everyday world of Middle Earth usung the great historical summary Tolkien wrote in the Return of the King Appendices. Take the Fall of Arthedain for example, or the Kin Strife of Gondor… so much to work with!

    There is a lot to work with in those appendices, Tolkien’s material had always felt deep whenever I read it.

  4. 11 hours ago, Guest Modded said:

    could you guys help me find the most crazy sexual fantasies on the site? I just want the craziest. thanks!

    What do you consider crazy?  If so, look for those story warning tags, the more, the better!  Or, just start reading everything.

  5. 28 minutes ago, KassX said:

    You mean like groping as opposed to penetrative sex? I do believe the law classifies rape under sexual assault, but not all SA is defined as rape. However, we don’t have an SA tag so I would still tag ‘up’. I mean, we have SH but I don’t think it carries the same weight as assault. 

    I have that problem sometimes, I was asking about Scat earlier and I once tagged Tent even though the tentacles didn’t actually have sex with anyone, lol. I think it’s just important to be very careful about the one tag which must not be named :D

    You’re certainly allowed to list new tags/warnings under “other” if you need something more focused.  In your [tent] example, I’d likely list it in the laundry list of tags at the top of the story, qualified as CYA, and leave it at that.

  6. 10 hours ago, BronxWench said:

    @Desiderius Price I know you tag as conservatively as I do. I figured it never hurts to point out the logical fallacy in the “But I’ll scare off readers!” argument for not using the Rape tag. :lol:

    Rape is a bit more black/white on usage, other tags can have a slippery slope.  Even rape, though, if you’re talking sexual assault rather than sex, I could somebody thinking the rape doesn’t apply, especially if they think it’d scare readers unnecessarily (ie, for blood play, they’ve got blood, they’ve got sex, but the blood’s incidental, not really part of the sexual acts)..    As to my method, if I’m unsure or the tag is background noise, I’ll list it along with a short annotation why it may apply (ie, Minor1 because kids are running around naked, but there’s no sex) – guess that means I’m tagging the tags?


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