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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Technically, the 2016 Halloween anthology is still open to contributions…..
  2. I learned my lesson during my Potter fanfic, where I had tried jumping first-person POVs, which earns an extra level of confusion because the “I” is no longer clear. Any more, I try to keep it third person, with an occasional peek into the head of whomever is the ‘focus” … and very limited number of POVs at that. With Adam the Altar Boy, I kept it very restrictive, only changing it in the end to show the outcome, otherwise you’d understand the rationale of the Reverend’s actions. Jealous of my database for my original universe? Unfortunately, its nowhere near ready for any sort of beta...otherwise, I’d consider it. However, I can track events, characters, family trees, etc – this helped with my story this year. As I was working on one of the (now scuttled) chapters to Dale’s Game, Oliver came into it, so in a sense, Adam the Altar Boy fills in a bit of Oliver’s backstory.
  3. I’ve made it a habit to contribute to them, ever since my first 2015 one. I even submitted two for the Holiday 2015.
  4. There’s my take on the religious in my stories too….
  5. While I’m not going to sign up for NaNo, I’ll make a goal.  Add 70k to my adult version of my potter fanfic.  We’ll see how well this fares at the end of the month.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      They do allow fan fiction, and anything you submit is encrypted and scrambled. They just want word count, and not manuscripts per se, so the verification process doesn’t even save the encrypted file.

      But do your own unofficial NaNa if you like, and get those 70k words out by November 30! :lol:


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Let’s go with posted, start of the month is 126.8k, and I’m effectively trying to get it to 200k.  (It’s on AO3 as I was more confident posting it there, and luckily, they’ve got word counts.)  And boy, is the word count ballooning with this revision. 

      So, I can measure the word count to a very specific plot point that’s shared among the drafts, pretty early into the story.  The old-old draft came to 60k to that point, the old-draft (now being replaced) came to 23.6k; the “clean” new version marked 50k; while the “adult” version clocked 115k to reach that same plot point.  A little arithmetic on the word counts to those old drafts, and I won’t be surprised if I’m talking millions of words before the story is truly finished.

      Thus, that 70k goal might move me 5% of the way through the story, maybe….

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      What will help this month is every weekend is either 3 or 4 days due to my work schedule.

  6. If I don’t get writing done tonight, I might have to try to finish reading them myself.
  7. Minor tags are fine to have… especially if you’ve got that sort of material (cough, cough, like my stories do).
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