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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Today I learned that apparently it’s legal to marry one’s first cousin in the UK (per a google search).

    1. JayDee


      Hence the aristocracy’s similarity of appearance!

      I kinda like how complex it is across the USA



      Like, Utah “ Only if both parties are 65 or older, or both are 55 or older with a district court finding of infertility of either party “

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      So, does that require bringing the court into the bedroom to prove infertility?

      But, yeah, the USA tends to be complex due to the notion of dual-sovereignty, enshrined in the 10th amendment, as the laws vary from state to state.

  2. And today, my main potter fanfic turns 18 years old since the first chapter post, it’s an adult.  I swear I’ll finish it!

    1. InvidiaRed
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      It’s on AO3, not here, due to being out-of-TOS here, and trying to fix it to be was a bit more drastic than I’d like.  I’ll PM the link.

  3. Sometimes, the title writes the story itself (from an advice column): “I’ve Been Having Hot Sex With My Boyfriend and His Brother--I don’t want it to end after lockdown.”

    1. InvidiaRed
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      There wasn’t too much more to the column itself, from the poster.  Started off with the brother of the boyfriend moving in to the couple due to the pandemic, liaison started off in secret before cluing the boyfriend in, became double and she obviously enjoyed it.   Now that lockdown’s ending, the brother was going to move out, and the boyfriend didn’t want it to continue, downgrading the sex back to monogamy.  But there’s definitely a lot of material for a good short for anybody who wants that plot bunny.

    3. Desiderius Price
  4. I initially misread that (or at least I hope) of 100 hours/week. I’m lucky to be in a gig where overtime is frowned upon and requires prior approval/justification; this lends itself to be very friendly to writing and other hobbies. And, as an aside, you might enjoy: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/01/microsoft-pimps-it-old-school-with-a-pricey-text-adventure-game/
  5. I’ve never had a good knack for making decent “ballpark” estimates except in the simplest of cases. And in this case, I don’t know the state of the current codebase, the state of the database, which features would actually be desired, or the modifications/rewrites needed to make that happen, so any estimate aside from “possibly major” is deceptive IMO.
  6. That's the crux of all this. For any website overhaul, “AFF and its crew" is DG & Manta. DG’s work is near murder on her, and Manta’s really busy too. Like you, I program professionally too, so I’m very picky in what I do with my free time; at the moment, that's my story writing and it’s related software. (An hour or two per month might be acceptable, maybe, but that's not enough for this proposal.)
  7. Think 4.2kwords is decent progress for a weekday.

    1. Thundercloud


      Depends on how much you need to rewrite later...

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Well, technically, it *is* a rewrite, with enough new material to make the earlier versions seem like Cliff Notes.

  8. If we did this properly, then we’d need to Collect requirements/desires as we examine the codebase. Review the existing codebase, figuring out what we want to change Determine if an overhaul vs rewrite is more appropriate, with long term maintainability and reliability and performance in mind. Create a rough conceptual design Setup source control and a prototype-dev-beta server (maybe even a task-issue-manager/bugzilla), Iterate with some sort of sprint style, where we’d prototype/refine, and have a predefined target for switching the website over (upon approval from the mods/admin). A key question would be whether to combine databases, such that a story could be cross-listed, BUT also maintain backward compatibility with existing URLs. Categories would remain, but could be implemented as, the original poster mentioned, tags, or another mechanism.
  9. Maybe some misunderstanding, but also a disagreement, when it comes to disclaimers. It’s authors posting stories, ones they’ve (presumably) written, so asking that they write a (short) disclaimer shouldn’t be a tall task, especially if there’s some examples for them. When I took the GRE ages ago, they wanted me to hand-write (in cursive) the anti-cheating pledge… annoyed because that’s a skill I hadn’t really used; however, the point there, like here, is the author understands the disclaimer. Mods currently flag/hide a story caught without one, and make the author fix it. A few suitable examples would let them copy-n-paste, but that’s the author’s decision there. To tags, you can technically add in custom ones today in AFF, because its a simple list tacked onto the end of the description. And once it’s free form into the top of the story/chapter, it’s unlimited. Having a table of available tags, a table that links tags to stories, along with suggestions, auto-suggest, etc, would be lovely to have, TBH. I mean, if it sees “Hogwarts” in a story, having a harry potter automatically added would be great, and more lexical analysis would be wonderful additions too. However, I wouldn’t make the pursuit of the perfect automated tag system get into the way of doing any overhaul. > For me to do it would require giving me access, I am acting under the presumption that this would not be possible, particularly since I’m just a guest user. It shouldn’t cost anything, like I said a good chunk of it can be done in an afternoon. I’ve heard that before, and days/weeks later you realize that “small” task had some unexpected glitch. I actually did ask, years ago, but nothing ever really came of it; thus I’ve turned my spare-time coding efforts toward other things. My expertise is more in the backend, less in the frontends, and I prefer C++ over HTML/Javascript so mileage would vary. A first task should be to make sure the website’s code is in some form of source control, to make sure “rolling” back and collaboration is easy; second task being to verify a separate test & development setup so things can be prototyped out before making the actual switch. Still, at the end of this, we can have as many ideas as we want, but without volunteers, no overhaul is really feasible.
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