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Desiderius Price

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Status Updates posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Melting marshmallows….

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Added the rice krispies, and they’ll be edible once they cool down!

  2. Merry Christmas everybody! 

    1. BronxWench
    2. pippychick


      Des… Merry Christmas, and a great new year to you! I hope you’re having fun, whatever you’re up to. :hug:

  3. My (remaining) cat turns 18 today, he’s old enough to vote!

    1. manta2g


      In some places old enough to alcohol too. =^.^=

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Human doesn’t drink.  However, the human spiked the canned food with tuna.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      “She’s not fat, she’s pregnant...and having kittens” is not a line I expect to be using again in my lifetime, but I doubt I’ll forget the day they were born.

  4. My inner devil wants to compliment the selfie.  Your inner demon for the upcoming holiday?

    1. WillowDarkling


      She’s showing off her true draconic self… properly menacing, don’t you think? :D 

    2. BronxWench


      Yes, well, sometimes it’s just exhausting to maintain a human guise. :lol: 

  5. My muse isn’t cooperating with Jefferey so not updating that.  Instead, it decided it wanted some Harry Potter, so I’m actually working on the story I put into hiatus years ago.  The smut version is….well, smutty.

    1. Sinfulwolf


      Best of luck on your journey!

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m definitely splitting up most of the existing chapters.  One of them is 107kwords, about the same as the Prisoner of Azkaban, and that’s a single “chapter”!  I’ve got two other especially long ones coming in at 93k (longer than Chamber of Secrets) and 70k (just under Sorcerer’s Stone); rest are under 50k.

  6. My potter fanfic has now crossed the 2Mword mark (on the hard drive, it’ll take more for the online total to cross it too).

  7. Nano update, I tried getting this chapter done today, swear I did.  Still, given the progress, once posted, just have 27-28k left to go to meet my nano goal.  I can do this, just 7k a day this next weekend ought to make it.

  8. Need more words… only at 73k so far this month.

  9. Never mind me, just working on this new episode to my Jefferey story.  Poor, lost souls…. :whistle:

  10. New memo from the US dept of labor, that due to the covid pandemic and the need to “catch-back-up”, the next eleven days will be considered “Monday” for business/tax purposes.  Happy April First everybody!

  11. New Years Resolution: I'm going to strive to avoid making resolutions/goals, I'll only let myself down.

  12. Nice to have an honest scale.  Though, it’ll likely lie and inflate the numbers once I let it out of its box.

  13. Nightmare for Snape (as headmaster), an entire year being sorted, each student having those bottle green eyes.

  14. No muse, I’m already involved with another story, stop trying to tempt me with a new one….stop, STOP!  Onward with the struggle.

  15. Normally, I don’t put 1k miles onto the car in a day, but yesterday was a first for me.

  16. Note to self, I can’t keep adding inches to this character’s todger every time he visits the hospital wing!

    1. InvidiaRed


      Not with that attitude you can’t =p

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I do like to stay semi-realistic with sizes, so no forty feet (unless there’s a potion/spell involved).  A few inches is average, and this particular character’s still growing, so he’ll be above average when done.

  17. Note to self: Do not use banishing charms while bowling, all those strikes on gutter balls might get suspicious to the muggles.

    1. InvidiaRed


      That’s what Oblivate  or Confundus is for.


  18. Note, disillusioning your girlfriend in her basketball game is NOT fair competition.

  19. Nothing worse than trying to make toast and having to wait fifteen minutes for a firmware update – (one of my characters)

  20. November’s over and I’ve missed my goal for the month :(  Still, 40k’s not too bad I suppose.

    1. GeorgeGlass


      40k is pretty damn respectable, IMO.

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I hold myself to high standards.

  21. Now at 66666 (AO3) hits on my potter fanfic!  Yay!

  22. Now is that time to start thinking about those Halloween one shots!

  23. Now that November is almost upon us, setting a (stretch) NANOWRIMO goal, get my potter fanfic to 1.1M, on drive.

  24. Oh, waking up the MC can be hard to do.  Screams and shouts of fire might do it.  :fthrower:

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