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GeorgeGlass last won the day on February 19

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  1. I’m afraid I’ve been too busy with travel and prepping for more travel to get anything off to beta this week. I’m making good progress on chapter 5 of “The Business of Pleasure,” though. Might get it finished on my next plane ride.
  2. The new chapter of “Rewire” is posted! Chapter 4: Falling Angel
  3. Chapter 4 of “Rewire” is off to beta. I’d love to get the next chapters of “Band Together” and “The Business of Pleasure” off by the end of the month, but we’ll see.
  4. Hey there. I’m going to be traveling quite a bit over the next several weeks, so my productivity will slow down a bit. Nonetheless, I expect to get chapter 4 of “Rewire” off to beta next week. I’m inching toward finishing chapter 4 of “Band Together,” too.
  5. Thank you! But which story was it?
  6. More “Band Together” is posted! Chapter 3: The Costumer
  7. Re: “Heaven Help You” From SentinelX on January 31, 2025 Thank you! Writing this was a lot of fun, especially because I had never before written dialogue for characters who use so much profanity. I actually just saw a YouTube short about people shipping Loona x Collin. This story wasn’t mentioned, though. Re: “Laid Bare” From SentinelX on January 31, 2025 Thanks! Writing characters authentically (while making them do smutty things) is always my goal. Might have to check out that Lute/St. Peter story.
  8. The new chapter of “The Business of Pleasure” is posted! Chapter 5: Sister Act I’m still waiting for chapter 3 of “Band Together” to return from beta, so now I plan to focus (to the extent that I ever focus) on chapter 4 of “Rewire.”
  9. From ekmedic on January 26, 2025 Thank you! The story is told entirely from Jozi's perspective, so we know a lot more about what she's thinking that we know about the others. Rest assured, there will be a lot more said about Zero in the coming chapters. Thanks for the comments!
  10. I’ve written a lot of threesome scenes, and they vary a lot in terms of how they go. But they tend to take one of these forms: --All three participants pleasuring one another more or less equally --Two participants focusing on pleasuring the third. Sometimes this is the case for the whole scene (especially if it’s two guys on one girl); other times, they take turns being the center of attention. --A genuine “tag team” in which two participants have sex while the third watches, and then they switch out (usually so one of them can rest up for the next round) So the “rules” vary according to what sort of relationship and expectations everyone has.
  11. I’m happy to say that chapter 3 of “Band Together” has gone to beta. Now I’m focusing on chapter 5 of “The Business of Pleasure.” I’m contemplating splitting that chapter into two, if it ends up being very long.
  12. Just so I understand the question: By “tag team,” are you talking about a three-person sex session in which only two of the three are having sex at any given moment?
  13. Ah, I didn’t realize that you meant ideas related to Ramshackle. I’m not really feeling it. Maybe if it becomes a series and I see more of it, that will change.
  14. A new chapter of “Rewire” stands at the ready! Chapter 3: Faceless Guest, feel free to share your ideas. I make no guarantee that I’ll do anything with them; I’ve got more ideas of my own than I can reasonably hope to write up. Also, I got hooked on another YouTube cartoon: Murphy and Mitzi. It’s cute, funny, and full of fun characters and dangerous shenanigans. And, God help me, I already have a fic idea for it.
  15. Ah, okay. Well, I’m glad you’re using the medium of fanfic to take the story in a direction that the show probably won’t.
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