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Everything posted by Kurahieiritr

  1. Finally getting better and should be able to get back to normal by end of week. Awoke with my right hand able to move and grip things consistently this morning for the first time in a month.

    1. BronxWench


      Oh, that's wonderful news! :D ::hugs::

    2. Kurahieiritr


      I certainly thought so because one thing I hate is having terminal dropsy problem. Spent the last month in constant clean up of my messes when I forgot and grabbed drinks with the right hand. Being able to freely use my right hand means I am finally able to function fully.

    3. Anesor


      Great! I'm sure it's a great relief and makes the day sunnier!

  2. Since I have been so ill everyone descended for Halloween bearing food to make my holiday brighter. I was struggling so much because of being sick only to have the pot luck gang save the traditional get together for everyone. I did get a few things made, but the kids and my friends decorated and made everything turn out beautifully while telling me to relax. rest and enjoy the goodies they brought.

    1. phoeyay


      yay for awesome friends! glad to hear :)

    2. BronxWench


      That is wonderful! :D

    3. Kurahieiritr


      I am very grateful for my group of friends. I managed to get my rum balls and truffles made because I could sit on a stool and roll those by hand to force my right hand to work better. Other things were totally beyond my hand's capacity, like decorating for the party. Gotta love my friends for all they did to get things together and uphold the decade long tradition.

  3. My right hand is beginning to work. My brain is not fuzzing over any longer. I am mending finally. Gods I miss this place!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KoKoa_B


      it's good to see you back!

    3. WillowDarkling


      Good to have you back. And wonderful to hear that you're doing better.

    4. DemonGoddess


      Glad to hear you're getting better!

  4. After almost a full month of being so sick I could not stand myself, I am finally on the mend it seems. Crossing fingers, toes, and eyes so to speak. Gotta get my right hand back to full function so I can clean up the kitchen after my long hiatus.

    1. phoeyay


      Yay! glad you are feeling better - keep takin it easy until you are sure.

    2. BronxWench


      One step at a time. :hug:

    3. Kurahieiritr


      Thanks so much for all the good vibes. I miss everyone so much of late. AFF is my sanity!

  5. Have completely lost all patience with being sick. Sorry that I am still barely functioning everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SillySilenia


      You should NEVER have to apologize for being ill, dear. ;):hug:

    3. DemonGoddess


      Just work on getting yourself better. That's the important thing.

    4. Kurahieiritr


      Thanks everyone. I am getting better now. Will take a few days to get my right hand working correctly, but I am finally on the mend.

  6. Thanks everyone who has been sending me positive feel better notes. I'm trying to get past this messy health problem as fast as I am able. I

    1. BronxWench


      Just take your time, and don't push too hard. :hug:

    2. RogueMudblood
  7. My BP has been stable for a full 24 plus hours. No drop through the floor then go through the roof misery on a daily basis. Crossing fingers that this latest attack is finally winding down so I can get back to everyday living.

    1. BronxWench


      I hope this is the end of this episode for you! Feel better! :hug:

    2. DemonGoddess


      Glad you're feeling better!

    3. phoeyay


      yes, good to hear - keep getting better and better!

  8. About halfway back to human again. Crossing my fingers that by tomorrow I will be well enough to not fall asleep after 45 minutes so I can get back to my duties.

    1. RogueMudblood


      If you need sleep, then sleep! Health is of extreme importance. :)

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Trying to get better over here. It is something of a touch and go process when my cardio system whacks completely out. Haven't had an attack this severe in a couple years to be honest. This one took me completely by surprise.

  9. A: Do not let such a review get you down. I have had similar reviews via several sites over the years. Not everyone can be pleased by a writer's style and topic choice as a rule. The fact you were writing Pokemon in itself is telling about the correct writing style. Some people want nothing but sex or similar in their stories and will be rude about any other types of stories, no matter how well written. A: I get the same type of complaint about specific words used reviews also on occasion. I find that people who have "Be more dumb, Stupid" syndrome rarely read anything but fluff. The only time a character should speak ghetto in writing is if you are writing a character known for speaking ghetto in the story line. I detest such nonsense ideals that a person of any specific history or background must comply to a set of iron bound laws because of where a person grew up. You are correct in painting a good scene for the intelligent readers to immerse themselves within to their heart's content. Although, I must acknowledge words like syncopated are considered obscure and a touch archaic in the modern writing industry, I have used many big words throughout my writing career. A: Agreed in spades. The lazy will never appreciate language and have very small vocabularies overall. So whenever we cross paths with such individuals, talking or writing over their heads happens without intention which is painful. The ignorant do not wish to be challenged to evolve often being the biggest problem. Such people tend to stereotype others, as seems to be the case of the bad reviews mentioned above. Kind of sad to see it when it happens. Stupidity by choice is one disease that seems to infect across all colors and backgrounds I have discovered in my lifetime. It is always best to shrug off such negative and narrow minded foolishness when it is tossed at any of our works which we have shared online.
  10. Feeling so much better now that my brain is firing on all cylinders again! Time to get back to work.

    1. BronxWench


      Glad to hear you're feeling better. Pace yourself, m'dear, and don't push yourself into a migraine. :hug:

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Aw, well, this last episode wasn't a simple multi-day migraine. I have a medical problem that without warning loves to announce itself by haunting me for a couple days. LOL. No worries since pushing myself is the reason I have beaten the odds for so long.

  11. A: All are excellent points that highlight the value of the reader's perspective about stories. I guess I take for granted that revision is for a reader's sole benefit, while some never consider the necessity of considering a reader's feelings at all. So yes, there does come a time when you must consider the audience over your personal feelings when slaving away at a keyboard to create a good story. The published writers in this world have that consideration at some point within their creative endeavor, or they would not be published and making an income from what they love doing. I often see "write for myself instead of readers" commentaries in many threads throughout these forums. I see the logic of where such comments come from, because without having that element in the writing process, few writers could truly get anything completed. Without interest in the topic, writing an interesting story is impossible. Still, even if the story interests the writer, it is not a guarantee it will be liked by readers. Individual, yet overlapping tastes in topics and writing styles of the reading class is the whole reason "Genres" exist. I make a point of thinking about readers whenever I am doing revisions because the reader is the most important part of the process of writing. Readers do create the final link in the process to promote a true case of give and take to crafting great reading tales. Without thinking about the readers responses to whatever is crafted, how can writers truly design tales that will keep their readers begging for the next chapter? Within the publishing industry, readers are the only reason for the writer's existence. Fail to deliver, and the author loses money for the publishing house. So the pro level authors have to understand their reader demographics and write with readers specifically in mind. Knowing about this mandate in the publishing industry, I do my level best to revise for readers instead of for myself. The first raw draft is for my own drive to get the plot bunnies out of my skull. The revisions are solely geared to increase the amusement of those who may read my work. Perhaps it is a long neglected element in many hobby writers' arsenal of techniques. A: When a story grabs me by the throat and the plot bunnies are beating me over the head, I simply pour it all into the mix, and then go back to revise heavily. Bribery has never worked with the fiends in my head so I do envy you the ability to side track or outright bribe your muses. So I find that I must open a second document and plunk every single off topic into the new doc for later contemplation because a few of the random non working items for the story I am working upon, prove themselves very handy for different stories. Of course this means I have tons of orphan snippets on file to develop into diverse stories over time. Each writer has a unique way of handling said overloads of ideals, and must find the best route to take to curb the imagination it seems. Some of the best tactics are the cached within the gossiped about eccentricities of famed authors over the centuries.
  12. Adding a note that I am having temporary writer's block, plus learning my duties as a new Cleanup crew member. Consider my story on temporary hiatus. I will get it finished as soon as I can get my imagination functioning. I apologize for the wait I have caused my readers.
  13. Quick notes about the lack of chapter posting: I have been experiencing a bit of a writing block. My apologies for having been remiss in posting new chapters for the last couple months. Unfortunately until such time as my imagination starts firing up, I am completely blank. Second of all, I was asked to join the Moderation cleanup crew and accepted. For the moment I am learning the duties so am on a temporary hiatus. Once I finish training, and my imagination starts to function, I will complete the stories I have temporarily set aside. I will get to back to writing as soon as both situations are resolved.
  14. My flipping skull feels like it is going to explode this morning. :( I hate these damned migraines!

  15. Got old man Terbush housework squared away yesterday. Good to be back and being productive today. :)

  16. Thanks for teaching me new things last night, Rogue. I really appreciated the help.

    1. RogueMudblood


      Aw! You're more than welcome!

      And, no, Melrick, not *those* kinds of things! :P

    2. Melrick
  17. Have to get my stolen driver's license replaced today. Took most of yesterday to dig out the birth certificate/Soc Security card, and other documents to prove I exist. Today, I get to stand in long line at D.M.V.

    1. RogueMudblood



      And then they're going to charge you for the inconvenience, too.

    2. BronxWench


      Argh, DMV.... ::shudders::

    3. DemonGoddess
  18. A: A very good point got made in this post. So few people actually put the things they liked specifically into reviews that they send. Sometimes, I wonder why a reader will refrain from explaining the elements they enjoy. Many writers seem to have this specific frustration of not knowing the powerful elements that keep their readers involved with the story. The please update with more version does seem to be the normal variety of positive feedback reviewers give to writers.
  19. Figured I would share another great blog linkt hat made me smile. The blog is about writing sex scenes. :)http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2013/04/30/25-humpalicious-steps-for-writing-your-first-sex-scene-by-delilah-s-dawson-author-of-wicked-as-she-wants/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kurahieiritr


      Hehe, glad you liked it. I love http://terribleminds.com blogs because they add humor while keeping everything very realistic. # 14 was my fave of the listing because of the truth involved. The fact it is okay if the pair does not have simultaneous orgasm was mentioned was a relief for me as a writer. I actually thought double bust was required writing, but now found that it need not be so plastic world after all. :) #3 was another fave because it has a lot of truth also. IF you don't get...

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, gods, that was utterly perfect! I've bookmarked that, and I will read it faithfully, and hug it, and squeeze it, and name it George... :D

    4. Kurahieiritr


      I love this specific blog site because of the humor in many of the articles. I have seen several great tongue in cheek blogs at terrible minds site. When I am down, it always makes me grin to read the blogged tidbits offered. I'm glad you liked this one so much.

  20. A: I cannot believe I typed cannon instead of canon. *head desk* Thank you for alerting me to my unintentional screw up. ROFL. It was easy enough to correct. Proof positive that everyone makes dumb typos.
  21. When anyone writes a fandom tale, they should stick to the canon characterization intended by the original creator of the Universe involved. Whether the character is a Mary Sue, or Gary Stu ceases to matter in the long run. Fandom readers only read because they adore the canon characters. They read plots and tales that go beyond the original creator's efforts specifically because they desire to play longer with the characters they adore. Staying canon can be tougher to accomplish. Many fan fiction writers ignore the canon traits the original creator gave the characters. When that happens, the characters are no longer part of the originally published, iconic series/movie/books. So what is the point of writing an original character and slapping a known name onto them? I always thought such tactics amount to disrespect for the original creator, or worse, cheating.
  22. A: You guys have brought up some very good points about back story overkill that many writers commit like a cardinal sin. In reality, we do not know the characters when we start reading, and should not know them beyond their actions. To love what you read requires evolving the character with each word crafted to promote action, emotion and understanding for the reader I think. As to the fan fiction writers laziness, I have read a lot of the problem children of said formula. I am not a fan of those either. I pick on the least embellished aspects of characters when I write fan fiction. I delve into the hints, not the head bashes of any fandom I choose to write. I also take the less loved characters and give them a reason for their obnoxious traits which is rarely tapped by the majority. Yet, sadly, I also think a lot of fandom writers are lazy. I see plenty who cannot understand basics of cannon psychology of the characters they are writing also. Makes me cringe personally. Staying cannon takes discipline, and forethought. Many fandom writers ignore everything about the actual universe they are writing within which is tragic. The bulk of all stories rejected by publishing house editors are due to back story presented as the opening salvo. It is a taboo in the industry because it does not serve any real purpose to the publishing industry standards. Readers have set expectations and back story openings are not among them. Back story needs to be sprinkled through the story as a flavoring. It only has one purpose; clarify specifics. The vast majority of novice writers pour it on, making their tale far less enjoyable for the reader. Most editors of pro level say that they only accept stories which, from the very first word committed to the manuscript, set the character's heels on fire. The character can only recall taking firefighter classes after they are burning. ROFL. Kind of an absurd way to say it, and yet it is a great memory jogger. I have read numerous back story starters, and can say that I for one do not care how great the story gets starting in Chapter 2. The first chapter put me to sleep because it is nothing but a "get to know me" flop. Such writers needs to get rid of chapter one, and possibly chapter 2 because the actual story starts after the monotonous back story segment. Introduce characters who are active and hopping through hoops to preserve their own hides. I'll be happier getting to know them as a reader. Writing the same way becomes habit with practice. Having a setting that reflects troubles on the horizon, be it mental, or physical is important to engaging a reader's interest. So you may not have the characters dashing madly down the street with their feet flaming, but you do want to have them walking through a gas puddle at the very beginning.
  23. *Headdesk* x 5. Nothing like depression to totally derail the artisitic/creative mind.

  24. A: Although I do not hate feel good reviews, I do tend to agree with your thoughts, SirGeneral. Feel good/fanpoodle gushes leave me feeling empty as an author. I have zero idea as to why the reader loves the story. I get the "Oh wow it's yaoi and I love yaoi" comments fairly often in reviews. Such "I love yaoi, and this story is yaoi" makes me think that the readers will love anything involving two men in a relationship without rhyme, nor reason. I begin to wonder about the reviewer's ability to determine a good writer from a sloppy, lazy writer at that point. Having seen similar poodles on very badly written tales I attempted to read, I begin doubting myself as a writer. I put a lot of effort into revising and fixing all the errors I can recognize before I post anything. Therefore, an empty, "Love it" generic type review is a huge ego deflating experience for me personally. I realize that many people enjoy fanpoodle reviews, and actively revile thought provoking input about a writer's improvement curves if they revise. Personally, I find such empty reviews very much a disservice. Art is part and parcel for writing. Therefore, art should bring to life, within the reader's mental eye, the very essence of the characters so that they breathe as they interact. If the writing fails to do so, then the writer should be given enough feedback to help them revise to strengthen the work. Readers want the mental images which flow and engage their emotions. Otherwise, there would be no readers at all. Some writers love to get self improvement feedback, while others throw tantrums if they do not get ego strokes. On a free fanfiction based site, it can be difficult to determine which type of author you are dealing with at any given moment. Many valuable tips have been shared in this thread, and brings into focus the ongoing concerns many reviewers have about stating problematic points in tales they read online at any fan based sites. I am pleased to see that some of us writers are taking a stand and giving a head's up that it is alright to acknowledge problems exist in their work, and can be fixed if mentioned within these posts.
  25. A: Thanks. I suppose this means I have finally learned the refined art of having caution down pat since I was one unbelievably wild hellion when I was a youngster. Ha ha.
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