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Everything posted by Kurahieiritr

  1. I beg to differ on this topic. The FDA has put laws in place that make Feed Lot Cattle into steroid chemical dumps already. The number of animals my relative sees suffering with cancerous tumors at his slaughterhouse is horrific. 1 out of 3 cattle have mass cancer when they are slaughtered as a yearling. The reasoning is that Free Range cows require 3 years to mature to slaughter stage. Economically, feed lot Steroid cattle are slaughtered as yearlings and produce the same amount of meat as the three year old Steroid free cow. Here's the kicker, Human rates of several types of cancer has risen alongside the cheaper meat Government enforced feed lot Steroid heavy cow and pig production. The FDA has prevented a group of scientists from doing the research that could potentially link the specific steroid class fed to Feed Lot Cattle and Pigs to the rising cancers noticed by this group of researches. Second: Cloned animals are being produced with human organs in three research facilities in America. Other countries known to me that are using pigs for identical research; China. They have eight research facilities that are known the last time I checked on that. However, does it not beg consideration that a sheep with a human heart and liver once slaughtered for a life saving Organ transplant could get passed off in the local grocery store because some politician gets a kick back from somewhere? Happens all the time in the USA. And we still re-elect such corrupt jerks because they are the lesser of the two evils we get to choose from at the ballot box. I consider that cannibalism since it is a fusion of Human and Sheep DNA that made the creation of the specific human organs possible. On to Nano tech: If you want to have your local, State, and Federal Government knowing everything about you that can be known and potentially abusing nano tech with you becoming the patsy for any number of unethical uses, more power to you. I for one refuse to have anything capable of tracking me implanted. I would rather die outright and remain free. The potential abuses that will be brought into play by Governments across the world is staggering. Big Brother as some refer to USA Government surveillance is bad enough that every email and all the rest are monitored. You can't even walk down the street in some major cities without a camera watching you at every one of the traffic lights. To put it tongue in cheek: I would like to know that whenever nature calls I can take a crap without a machine measuring the chemical composition and centimeters of length and width at some politician's whim. Same goes for what I choose to eat, drink and say in private. IF I wanted to Government to know who I sleep with, or my fave sexual position, I'm quite capable of telling them. Seriously, in this case, the possibility for abuse and the potential for some unidentified government group to order a soldier to hit a kill switch from outside the human body on another whim exists. Nano tech can be set up in very dangerous ways that I do not like overall. Even a diagnostic tool can be re-programmed with the right equipment. When it gets turned into a tracking chip that reveals all, it is too late to protest that branch of science getting abused by soldiers, politicians, the FBI, CIA and any other number of government entities.
  2. I also prefer to do the naturalist style whenever possible. The chemicals a series of doctors force fed me when I was teenager caused a massive stroke, damaged my heart, and worse. There are plenty of drugs on the market that you see advertized of late with side effects far worse than the original medical problem. I want no part of said FDA approved drugs. I found an awesome herbal healer that did wonders for my genuine medical condition and has removed the probability of a second catastrophic stroke such as I suffered in 97 from the damned prescription drugs meant to control my unstable blood pressure/hormone imbalance. I come from an ancient religion background because my whole family is considered an old Priest born blood line. Most of those who grew up with the old ways flat refuse to give any of the knowledge we managed to keep alive to individuals like yourself, which I think is absurd. The Dion Fortune cop out has become the norm among the old bloodlines. Shake my head over the stupidity as I fight my own on the topic almost daily. The second huge excuse is that if the old bloods start talking to outsiders, we will face a second burning times. Can't remove their paranoia about getting slaughtered, so you were forced into such a horrific experience. For that I am genuinely sorry. Every time I come across your situation I get even madder at the terror still overwhelming the old priesthood blood lines who could put an end to this kind of suffering. Sadly, I do not see that happening so long as there exists a pocket of militant variety minority Christians. The Burning times saw 13 million women slaughtered simply because they knew herbal remedies and cures. Teaching genuine "Hermetics" openly is not going to happen any time soon. Magic is the use of a very specifically focused mind type of prayer. If you can't find the right mental discipline and the correct way to shift your life force into the correct channel, you can't perform magic with any ease. Of course, Science can't prove that theory yet. ROFL. However, they did prove that the mind controls things with quantum mechanics experiments. Hahahaha. They might even catch up some day and the old bloods will not have to live in fear of a few fanatical zealots who have convert or die on their minds.
  3. Shaking my head and snorting. Must be a plague of (Hum Smurf's tune) La la lu la la land etc. . . . going on down under in the legislating branch of their government. Anything to control the masses, and tell them what is or is not morally correct and be damned with the fact that it was not meant to be a child's cartoon. Narrow minds who think age 10 is the turn off the cartoons and never look at them again because you are too old is in operation on this one I think.
  4. Reading the game console post makes me glad I was never big on playing video games. Sadly, Sue and Stu seems to be the world's sell worthy asset to the entertainment industry. It is becoming prevalent in television, Movies, books and video games. Perhaps that explains the hatred of the O.C. specifically female versions. Whether it is a fashion magazine or what have you, girls are under so much pressure to conform to fads, and all the rest. They measure themselves against the beautiful and flawless lie produced by so much makeup cake that you can't see the moles etc that are there under the paint.
  5. I am so relieved to see that you are on the ball. I have not noticed the problem here yet. There are not many Initial D stories in the archives here at this time. I read almost all the archive in two days. ROFL. When I read I read pretty much everything, even if it is a bit squickish for me. ROFL.
  6. Oh Yeah! I totally love that idea also. I have a coupe world builds that are science Fiction variety so you have to know basic physics to design planets. My fave book of all time came from Writer's Digest publishing. It's about building alien Worlds and Species. It includes physics and so much more. But it is way too big to turn into an easy enough crib.
  7. I like your response because it totally smacks of honesty. My only problem with the OC female bash in my story is that she does not get the hot guy cause He's already taken by his equally hot male teammate. ROFL. As to the save the day bit, well I suppose that might be a reason to have a fit with my O.C. female. After all she's a trained body guard who takes down a demented stalker to save cannon character lives. Other than that, my O.C. is very imperfect. She's an anal perfection freak from hell that makes a couple of the cannon characterless from the real anime series want to murder her. But I suppose if you can't do the saving because my O.C. is coming through so strong personality wise, this answer makes the best sense to me yet. Concerning the comment that those who are convinced their O.C.is not a Sue equals a Sue: I have seen a few of those authors also. However, when I think about the fact that the Sue squeaks actually started when My O. C. did her Body Guard Job description, I tend to agree with the poster that feels it is a jealousy because the reader could not take over Samantha's position to rescue the stalked Project D team. I did not give readers that opening. It was described from a dazed and shocked Cannon's view. HE was like; "what the fuck? Is that bitch insane or what?" Smacks of the reader did not get to save Takumi's life by playing the O.C. as I consider the reviews I have received, and where the actual hate began.
  8. That is actually the idea of these character design cribs. By having a way to flesh out some of the psychology, you bring depth to a flat cardboard doll image. It makes it easier to develop the back story, the history and other elements as you go. I don't always fill out every single line either. However, it does make it easier to have the click of a button access to a character as they are developing. I add, change and revise these, yet the characters will stay complex instead of going flat
  9. I've worked retail, and I've been a customer too. I've seen horrors on both sides of the aisle. I've apologized to clerks unfairly attacked by others, and tried to make their day bearable by doing so. As to the Customer is always right, well I can't say my retail career lasted very long because I hate liars, cheats, and thieves. I have a very strong belief in honesty, and doing the right thing. People wish to yell at me because they are lying pond scum thieves, I inevitably call it exactly as I see it. Tact is not my strong suit. Humanity has no moral fiber any longer because of the customer is always right crapola drivel spouted by moronic managers among others. People are too narcissistic to give a damn about fellow human beings because of the poor abused me must get even mentality. Worst of all, on both sides of the aisle, bad days equal vicious or negligent behavior heaped upon innocent bystanders. The clerk gets unfairly reamed, or the customer gets verbally hammered. It is a horrible human failing that goes both ways.
  10. I went with Fuck labels also. My bisexual son has suffered because of labels, so I refuse to play that game. Whatever's clever that promotes a person's happiness within reason is my philosophy. So long as you do not harm others, who are the rest of us in society to play superiority based upon sexuality. Hell, Sex was a sin for how many centuries because of Religious intolerance? How can we not have an explosion of sexual identity crisis now that human biological needs are once again getting a bit of breathing room? Far as I'm concerned anyone who insists on regulating someone else's sexuality better look in the mirror and pull the splinter out of their own eye before chasing the supposed beam in their neighbor's eye. Half the time it is the splinter in one's own eye causing the problem. The beam is an exaggeration of one's own skeleton's trapped in your eye's proverbial closet shining through.
  11. I spent the whole day playing hooky in forums. Needed a recharge day to be lazy.

    1. DemonGoddess


      I'm weeks away from a play hooky day *sobs*

    2. Kurahieiritr


      I am sorry to hear that. I went 6 weeks on 14 hour nonstop daily double burn before i was forced into taking a hooky day. I hope you get a break soon.

  12. Hip Hip hoozah! To this post. I do come from a religious background that allows same sex and even triadic marriage, and has done so for several thousand years. WE supposedly have freedom of Religion however the laws state we are free to believe in other faiths, but we are not free to practice anything the Christians don't like ultimately here in America. I do know my Constitution and Bill of Rights very well. I am so sick of Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses hounding me at my home I could commit a crime some days. Average door knocking and ramming things down my throat, 3 times per every single week because they heard from another neighbor that I'm a witch. Wrong religion, but it isn't as if they give a rat's ass about reality. They are trying to coerce me into converting for the money in my opinion. Church and State need to be separated. However, since there is a huge hypocrisy among the organized sectors of religion, it will never truly be a reality for those of us who still get persecuted because we don't conform to the big trillion dollar industry standard known as Organized religion. I've heard rumors about the least tolerant and more Militant Christianity factions trying to pass state legislation back East to become legally Christian state Ruled. Our Constitution said to Separate, but those who are obsessed with their own sick little lala lands won't ever practice the things they preach! I know genuine Christians also. I love them to pieces. They accept me for my (in their Opinions) oddities without trying to convert me. Those are the people who practice "Judge not Lest Though Shalt Surely Be Judged". One of my closest friends is Conservative in Finances and liberal in the tolerance department. She's also recently left the Holy Roller churches behind because she got yelled at for accepting human beings for themselves. Go figure that one out.
  13. That i can totally relate to Demon Goddess. If you get paid to do a job you really should do the job or get canned. My only thought about the 18+ was due to Gravitation, Blaze and other known Adult categories they have encouraged sex in by listing. I wish our legislators would pull their heads out of the butts and make the parents responsible again. Then Places like this and FFnet would not longer have to be under continued stress and hassles to track down and delete rebellious children's nonsense every day. It isn't fair to you guys.
  14. Thanks for the topic. I have a couple readers of my fics who grumbled I did not write a true rapefic per say because it is set up as a flash back sequence the victims have. I opted to remove rapefic from the main tag and put it into my first chapter and clearly tag each additional chapter dealing in the trauma induced flashbacks after that. Sadly, you can't please everyone who reads fan fiction I've found. I have people who follow my work who do not like graphic sex so I put a Warning Graphic lemon on each chapter I post that involves sex. It improved my readership by being so careful. Perhaps it will work for you also.
  15. I think ACTA is mostly concerned with movies music and Video based copyrights. I haven't followed it all that closely, but I am fairly sure that so long as proper credit is given books, art content such as manga and the like, those publishers are not going to hit fanfcition very hard. Sadly, that could change at any time. So let's cross our proverbial fingers that the publishing industry does not go all out psychotic about their profits any time soon.
  16. Chuckles. You make an excellent point. Here's the rub: There are several religions that condone same sex and polygamous marriages. However, the uber conservative right screams so loud that those who already have such states of private marriage keep a very low profile. In some cases, it is actually for their own survival. Triadic marriage is the best known. It has had many names throughout history. My favorite is Sword/Shield/Hearth which is rooted in ancient Viking and Celtic lore. Obviously two went to war and protected each other's back in battles while the weakest stayed home and minded the children. Gender had no bearing on which two went A-Viking. It fell out of fashion about 400 years ago. It has been part of Druid and a dozen different Shamanic faiths for several thousand years also. Mormons simply jumped onto a very ancient bandwagon. The ideal was that the triadic marriages, or more in some cultures, relationship was considered separated from sexuality. Sexuality in all these above mentioned faiths was considered to be a form of prayer. Nobody had the right to tell anyone who to pray with being the underpinning that made it work in ancient times. The regular routines were established based upon abilities, not upon gender in most of these old religions. However, there is little possibility that a predominately Christian country will ever embrace anything organized religion calls satanic despite that tag being a complete lie. Mormons are reviled for accepting a "Paganized Philosophy" even though as was pointed out, bible has polygamous marriages listed. My aunt and Uncle were in an open marriage with a specific third party for 25 years. Their third lover was killed in a car wreck last year, or they would be celebrating 26 years next month. They of course come from a Pagan religious base, so they have a different world view about making a relationship work. They enjoyed all kinds of fun together for all those years. However, they also understood that moods shift and change. People need cuddles and they need space. Because everything was about the ebb and flow of emotions, they paid attention to each others' needs. That is the only way to make a relationship filled with diverse opinions work.
  17. AS a person who worked for a magazine in the nineties, I have to say it is possible only so long as you get the correct legal documents from the original licensing companies that provided the original stories. My experience in the industry (pre stroke) was that to print reviews of music or anything in the USA, you had to send a copy to the parent publishing company of the artist or author to get their stamp of approval as often as not. In a sue happy society, the more licenses and permits you have the better when anything goes into public domains. I have heard that Japanese companies are often more lenient. You might be capable of producing a manga/anime specific fan fiction magazine by contacting and getting the same types of permits as publishers grant (SP?) Doujinshi artists. However, I think it also depends upon which country you originate in whether or not said permits/licenses would effectively apply. You have to effectively cover your legal fanny across the board. Same goes for writing software and all the rest. Are you going to contact Microsoft to get their stamp of approval to put up a fan fiction author's feelings about their software? Are you going to contact Apple about their writing software? Running a Magazine, even an E-zine requires you to keep a long list of contacts even when the magazine is free to the public. Who will be your advertisers? You have to pay for your site and the publicity somehow. Now that I have given you a few tidbits of how to run a magazine or E-zine, I hope I have not scared you off the ideal. Do some research into the above mentioned topics, and Very Good Luck to you.
  18. Too many parents are too lazy to police their teenagers which resulted in this latest purge. That is not FFnet's fault, but they are taking the hit. Still, complacency on FFnet's part helped create this newest purge scenario because the mods, and the domain have removed their own ability to police the archives they run. MA Is still listed with a click of a button on that site. M and MA should be set up differently. See all fics button should not automatically show M and MA or Sexual Content based stories to minors. They could easily correct this problem. I don't blame FFnet for covering their butts. However, I think they need to be more aware of the anime's they actually host in this instance. I understand your position very well. However I have a couple asides to your thought. Number one is the fact FFnet has Anime such as Gravitation listed as acceptable categories. That is a gay centric anime and manga series. It is by the very nature of it's existence Adult themed. Due to their having put up known Yaoi and Yuri titles on their site as options, FFnet has ignored their own policy all along. I understand that they are in panic mode again. I do not blame them for having this panic response yet again. My only argument to this latest purge is that if one can not stop the publishing of smut to begin with, why not make M and MA or any form of sexual content clause into an "are you 18 or older" fill in the Birth date sector to end the problem of their getting into repeated legal trouble? This site has such a monitoring system in place, so should FFnet. Since they have so much trouble with smut getting written, it seems illogical to continually have these panic attacks happen. They could logically move animes like Gravitation to the 18 and older sector that way, and end all the threats by irresponsible parents at the same time. I believe that having Anime genre listings for known adult themed erotica like Gravitation makes their new policy a very hypocritical act. If you have Gay specific cannon anime listed in your site's fan fiction archive, you have in effect proven yourself to be condoning smut all along. If you write anything Gravitation, you automatically are writing gay smut variety fiction. The FFnet group needs to have all sexual content such as is expected in Gravitation set up with an 18 or older button as we see here in this site. IF a child goes to 18+ and clicks they are old enough, types in a fraud birth date and reads, then the parent can no longer hold FFnet responsible being my whole point. The parent has to be responsible for stopping their child. It should not be FFnet's fault when so many 13 year olds write and post smut. I've seen lots of smut written by the kids at that site. Many of them are young enough to be my grandchildren. That is not FFnet's fault. That is a parental laziness passing their responsibility onto another entities shoulders problem. They really should create an adult area so that they are protected more concisely. IT would resolve some issues, and put the blame where it ultimately belongs. I know this site gets children who lie also. It is very unfortunate, but it does happen. FFnet should take a lesson from this place. It would save them so much in headaches if they simply would moderate/Design their site better.
  19. Quite a lively debate going on here. Some of it on topic and some off topic. I believe that Adultfanfiction net is about the freedom of expression first and foremost. I think I will use an illustration or two to tackle this specific topic. Three things stand out about this forum. Everyone loves to voice their own likes and dislikes. Some here seem to wish to see their dislikes removed. I took psychology courses back in the age of dinosaurs. (for those in the 20's age range to understand this is coming for your mom's peer age) Back in the era of T-Rex, learning a lot about history's significance on modern cultures etc was mandatory. Here's the rub, . . . Let's look at the end of World War One; Germany. The rise of Political Correct politeness was being government enforced through legislation. PC Nazi ethics have been directly linked to the creation of Concentration Camps and Jewish genocide during World War Two. That is a well documented historical fact, not a fictitious wishful thinking statement. When we embrace Political Correctness, we are censoring freedom of speech. To be PC, you have to censor yourself. The more afraid you are to speak your truth, the easier it is for the government to control you and your friends in the end. IT is the beginning of a shift toward victimization prone thin skinned individuals who refuse to try and improve their lives because P.C. has historically made others into villains instead of teaching personal self responsibility. Go to China and check out their lifestyle. P.C. is a law nobody dares argue. In fact for those too young to recall China's Tienanmen Square, crack your history books and learn how abusive Government becomes once it silences free speech. Learn the truth about Political Correctness and how it removes responsibility from the individual who often is already too lazy to stand up and raise their own children and worse. Free speech, even that which is rude, or infantile, gives human beings their number one emotional venting system. Remove the venting system, and the human being begins an unstoppable slow simmering emotional boiling of resentments. It has turned into genocidal tendencies at it's worst breaching points that humanity can never deny. Shut down the venting system, and the steam backs up. Ever heard of a steam engine? That is how emotions eventually work in a sense. Forcing steam to build to set levels of pressure to make a train that weighs several tons to move forward at very fast speeds is the same as forcing people to keep their resentments and fancies to themselves. Just like the steam engine will self destruct if the steam is not vented correctly, so will the individual's emotions blow up after P.C. fears can no longer restrain the pressure of resentments. This site has many diverse written formats for a reason. It is a venting system that can prevent the pressure build up from turning into destructive reality. Whether Cathartic or to simply needle those with holier than thou agendas, it has a place that should be respected by all. Removing topics that are uncomfortable for a set group is about breaking down the ability to vent emotions positive or negative that need a place to go. Shut off any taboo form writing and those who read and write them have less pressure release options to slow the explosion rate is my very well educated theory. Don't like the content? How about trying the do not read it rule? Allow those who need to vent such ideals room to contain their emotions through a non violent format. Those who act on such pressurized emotions are a different beast entirely. They require damage control measures because those are perpetrating harmful or even exceedingly violent crimes. If this site can help prevent even one such violent explosion by giving a person a place to write it out, or read it, kudos and congrats. It worked to relieve the building emotional pressure in an individual somewhere. Otherwise that individual backed into a pressurized emotional corner would have committed an atrocity.
  20. Somewhat Rant Oriented thoughts, so feel free to answer or ignore. I have many people to answer with this post. Complicated topics always take time to untangle also so please bear with me if you do read this thought provoking post. After reading all three pages of this topic, I must say there is a plethora of concepts getting touched upon. What homophobia is, and the way it is diversified is the core problem in coping with the subject matter. Many people lump too many variables into the definition without forethought. Homosexuality is an irrational fear of same sex male relationships as I understand the concept. Yet, as a whole, there is a massive double standard involved. Much of it is religious dogma based and smacks of the Organized religious sector's need to brainwash those too lazy to crack their own bibles and read them cover to cover so they get the inconsistencies of their own religions. Evangelical bible thumping variety Christianity tends to be the biggest hypocritical forum of this bad habit. They pick and choose forums to preach as their only truth from the Bible and rarely even know the full spectrum I have found. Those alone are the brainwashed variety, so I am not bashing the whole spectrum, just the moronic types who make the rest of us miserable by preaching we're all condemned to hell. I believe God himself said "Judge not lest thou shalt surely be Judged". Would this classify as automatic certainty that those hypocrites will never make it to heaven since they love to judge others which willfully breaks God's own reserved laws? My youngest son, 21 years old, is bisexual. Due to his torment, I began writing yaoi, or homoerotic fan fiction to help him come to terms with his sexuality. Since he is too shy to sit down and talk about things openly, I put up fanfiction that he reads when he is at a friend's house. It helps him without forcing him into any corners. He recently thanked me for my insight to his specific uncomfortable problem. (His words, not mine) Because my younger son is a bisexual, he feels he is inferior thanks to the ignorant, and brainwashed element within our society. How does a mother with children age ranged later twenties down to recently turned drinking age cope with such a gentle, yet deeply conflicted soul? I've had to walk a few miles within my suffering son's shoes! I never gave any thought to what is or is not homophobic before my youngest hit puberty and almost had a full blown mental breakdown over his multiple faceted conflicting sexuality. In spite of his homophobic and vicious Father, my son has found stabilizing ground because I accept, and still love him regardless of who he chooses to settle with when the time is right for him. My Point: The Bible is frequently invoked by those who hate same sex male relationships. Even here I saw such points made as if to validate those who practice blind hatred. The Jewish laws spoken of were squarely based in Hygiene Safety measures. It is called the Kosher Laws for a reason. Kosher more or less should be equated with cleanness or Hygiene measures to promote longevity in an unhygienic place. I have read them over and do understand the underpinnings very well. All of those laws are about preventing everything from food poisoning (hence the different cooking pots for different things like meat and vegetable) to premature sickness induced deaths of other scope. Before soap and water, gay sex led to premature death because they did not have modern plumbing etc. However, we have evolved to a point that we have these wonderfully designed bathrooms and plumbing so that specific fear of death rarely holds valid meaning in our modern era. Soap and water work very well to promote good hygiene which makes that part of an irrational fear of being around a gay person idiotic. Condoms prevent scat related illnesses, and STD problems. As to staying clean, Soap is that oh so ingenious evolution since the Old Testament was written to preserve the Kosher laws of the Jewish people who did not have baths, nor soap, nor condoms to keep their bodies clean so they would not get sick. Historically there were "pro same sex" religions, mostly found in ancient "Gentile" nations before the overwhelming spread of, at the time excessively militant, Christianity. Reason for mentioning this; those religions that accepted same sex relationships believed that their God(s) had exempted the gay or lesbian from breeding duties to fulfill a vital role somewhere else within their community. Such religions thought parenthood would stifle the important roles such gays and lesbians were meant to fulfill for the whole community's benefit. Most people blindly clump over 300 faiths into the category of (Neo or classic) Pagan/Wicca. However, these faiths are very diverse. This systemic lumping of religions is another form of the hypocrisy disease that has infected so much of the human race. My point is this: Religious organizations should be the ones who determine who can and can not get "Married" as it were. If a religion has Government Tax exemption, then the government should grant those "married" under any "Christian" "Muslim" "Jewish" "Buddhist" "Pagan" (and into infinity) church that has exemption status identical legal rights. IF the Church has legal stats, it is only fair to treat all separation of Church and State rules equally. That means validating all heterosexuals, homosexuals, and lesbian couples married under the different recognized religious churches without drawing lines in red tape. If a church believes in same sex couples, then the government that gave it exemption stats ought to recognize all the couples who get married there without making any specialized exceptions. Next Thread topic: As to men who are terrified of getting attacked by other men, . . . I've known three during my longish life. The underlying problem with 2 was that they were actually bisexuals afraid they would convert to gay if they allowed the opportunity to arise so knee jerk hated all gays as a self defense mechanism. Their greatest fear was being alienated by their peers and family if they stumbled. The fear of being isolated plays a fairly strong role in many gay basher's actions. They are prayed upon by an often irrational fear of abandonment by their longest standing friends, and/or family is one thing I have discovered over several decades. My bisexual son is hated by his homophobic father. Never mind that the homophobic father is a "closet gay" terrified of facing his honest sexuality because his mommy and buddies might dump him for daring to step out of line with the group mentality. Daddy can't tolerate the notion of being reviled by his rather brainwashed buddies. Shedding light on the double standards involved in this specific phobia and prejudice realm is such a huge underlying problem. How can anyone define genuine Homophobia from Hypocrisy and Prejudice in this day and age? I have met several men in the last thirty some odd years whom are extremely violent haters of same gender male relationships. Here's the Kicker; those same men insisted on anal sex with girlfriends or wives! Who has guts enough to explain that irrational, inconsistent hypocrisy within this forum?! These are men whom cop out with "it's a woman so it is therefore fine to do it to her whether she wants it or not." Some of these same men have been known to rape gay men in brutal ways to prove themselves superior in their own minds. I was pleased to see one go to jail for his twisted logic that raping another man who was gay was a richly deserved punishment. HE went so far as to justify his actions with the Bible no less. I divorced such a "Woman hater" man eighteen years ago. Excuse me, sticking your dick into someone's butt is the same no matter which gender you happen to be banging. Stop attempting to rationalize doing the very thing you have condemned in others who decide that they like the anal deal.That is the height of hypocritical bull, and I think it should be revealed as such. Also, we have the straight man who adores watching lesbian Pornography. Still happens to be same sex, only it is condoned because the hetero leaning man gets his nut bust. Far as I'm concerned, that equals another double standard that should not exist. Men can enjoy masturbating to girl on girl, but women are not supposed to masturbate to guy on guy is another double standard hypocrisy I am sick of seeing. I abhor such behavior. Hypocrisy is my biggest pet peeve in case anyone missed that. IF a person is uncomfortable or turned off by gay sex, that should be fine. I'm not into BDSM, and find pain a huge turn off. Does that make me BDSM phobic? Not at all. It means I do not like pain, so refrain from placing myself into a painful relationship. It does not make a person a hypocrite if they are turned off by same sex ideals, nor does it make them homophobic. When people screech that nonsense, they cross into the hypocritical zone. If you do not want to watch a stupid movie, then don't watch it. I watched part of Brokeback Mountain and thought it among the most dull things I had ever seen. Then again, I though the same of Twilight number one. Could no more finish watching that movie than Brokeback Mountain. Torturing others to prove yourself superior is wrong, Immoral, and tyrannical. People are diverse in their thoughts, feelings, sexual orientation, and cultural heritage. Intolerance is the ultimate communicable disease. IT is found everywhere, and it is the only thing that genuinely needs to be eradicated from the world! Homophobia, and all other forms of group hatred are Intolerance disease masked with polite little tags such as Alternate Universe in fan fictional writing. I apologize that this is so long, but like Mary Sue/Gary Stu, Homophobia is one of those topics I have been studying for some time and have formed a very strong opinion about due to all the stupidity so many spout in it's defense.
  21. I can relate and share my own sympathies about the lack of reviews received. However, if you have tons of hits, Take heart in knowing that with or without a review, you are getting read has become my specific mantra. Seeing the number counts rising is a great way to boost my own flagging spirits when nobody bothers to comment on my work. I figure it may be laziness or feeling inadequate to put feeling into words on the reader's part. Genuine writers do not act immature as a rule. Good writers should know they have done something valuable when they look at the hit counters for each fiction they post. Perhaps the work is good people do not think it can be improved upon. IF a story is very well written, some readers feel inadequate in their ability to put things in words, so won't leave a review has been my experience. I've gotten Private messages from my core following which falls into this category. They hound me mercilessly for new stories in private messages as soon as Complete gets added to the latest novel fan fiction. They almost always ask if I'm sick in P.M. whenever I don't do a weekly update of an in progress story. Not one of this specific core group has ever given me a review. Making promises that can't be kept to yourself or to reviewers is a huge ego burner so I don't think the idea of one shots for a review winner will work. If you are considering writing in other fandoms, yukihimedono, by all means, get on board and do so. The newer the series, the more reviews you will get. However, readers are fickle by nature, and often far less polite. Seeing how many hits you have is the best determiner of whether your work is worthy. Final Note: I think horrid writers with their ring of pals only get so many reviews because they make their friends feel bad, guilty, and overwhelmed because of frequent whining of poor me. They feel pressured into placating their friend to shut them up outside of the AFFnet or other fan fiction writing sites.
  22. I concede that very well defined point gladly. I have even read a couple AU tagged fics, and found them interesting. Those were kind enough to have the AU tag so I was not expecting Initial D specific Cannons. However, the lack of A.U. tagging is a problem I have personally encountered with many Initial D "inspired" knock off fics. Some writers make it sound in summary as if you will see the cannons, then never show the cannons in the story. Those are the offenders I was referring to specifically. Au tags would clear up much of my consternation with several fan fiction sites I have visited/ written for in my on and off again fan fiction hobby. However, too many writers do not add that little AU tag so I can avoid irritation because of my expectation of seeing a cannon or two that never arrive.
  23. I made sure I did not remove any specific content aside from the #1,#2,#3, and blank spaces created in the sections. Changed # lines to Minimal of #. The other major change was removing the each topic has its own independent line. Age and Birth date share the same line space in this version type condensing is all I did. The originals I copy and paste when designing characters are 12 pages for the top document. The second is 10 pages of in depth questions once copied and pasted with fill ins expand into as many as 22 pages once I answer all the questions. Sometimes I get 30 if I jot in a specific scene tag or 2 that is important to a fan fiction, or original story specific scene.
  24. I posted two in depth development tools to prevent Mary Sue/Gary Stu Original characters from forming. It is the main character development heading of these forums. Since someone mentioned an interest the two long posts got made. Hope they help everyone who wonders if they have a Stu/Sue character on their hands. Character Development sheets To beat Sue/Stu Problems is where the cribs are located. I really hope they help everyone who is interested in them.
  25. Posted both In depth Character development tools I use so often. Am kind of worried that I will get into trouible since they are so long.

    1. DemonGoddess


      Thank you! I'm sure we have users who will appreciate it.

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Your welcome. So much controversy on Mary Sue/Gary Stu prompted the share. I am happy to help other writers any way I can.

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