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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. enjoyed my bday yesterday, but had to bust my butt with chores today..including shoveling yet again...is it spring yet?

    1. FairySlayer


      Oh, joyous annual celebration of your majestic entrance into the world! May the unsavory duties life has thrust upon you go easily; I too pray that wondrous time of nature reawakening be upon us shortly.

      (For what reason am I unable to break free from this mode of verbage in my expressions? ;) )

    2. BoredStraight


      haha nice FS! People should talk like that all the time...

    3. kagome26isawsome
  2. been a busy day, now i sit back and chill till 8pm

  3. omg my day got better! my team is going to the superbowl! this makes everything that has happened to me evaporate :D

    1. pittwitch


      Too bad they have to face my team. :D

  4. waiting on the football game...darn plot bunny got away again

  5. just came across some old drawings of mine..god i suck..wanna see go to the art room lol

  6. im staying home today reading good stories to get my plot bunny back..darn plot bunny keeps running away..i shoudl invest in a net or something..

    1. Techno-Ninja


      I would recommend non-lethal traps baited with lots of carrots. :)

    2. kagome26isawsome
  7. New story up! so happy i could cry! now if i can get another plot bunny i will be relaly happy

  8. working on a chuck story, got a fantastic plot bunny

  9. darn plot bunny keep escaping!

    1. BoredStraight


      catch em! Catch em!

    2. BronxWench


      ::passes kagome patented plunnie trap::

    3. kagome26isawsome
  10. just chillen watching football..thinking about updating some stories today and work with a new plot bunny

  11. yea! new plot bunny took the old plot bunnies place and now i am writing! now to come up with a good title lol

  12. had a really good plot bunny and now it went away! quick someone catch it and give it to me!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Techno-Ninja


      lol Now I want candy. XD

    3. BoredStraight


      Why does everyone keep talking about chocolate on here lately??

    4. kagome26isawsome
  13. chilling at home drinking dr pepper and eating my king sized kit kat..maybe i will write today idk tho

    1. BoredStraight


      King sized kit kat... now I'm craving chocolate!

  14. is cold from shoveling snow agian..ggrrr where is spring

    1. marley_station


      It's not coming...your city is now the Land of Snow!

  15. Hates the snow..when is spring coming! ggrrrrrr

  16. wondering what to do with this plot bunny hmmm

    1. SynnoveD


      make some tasty, tasty plot stew out of it!

    2. kagome26isawsome


      lol idk what charaters to use it on

  17. got hit with another writers block..there has got to be another way....ugh

    1. Rain7777


      You can do it! When I get writers block on one fic, i go and play around with other fic ideas :) Just having a play with them usually helps and i can get back to the more serious chapter at hand :) You can do it! Best of luck! xx

  18. got a wonderful plot bunny!! woot :D

  19. has a writers block...gggrrrrrrrrrr

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