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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. gonna try to update stories...dont know how long the plot bunnies will work with me...

  2. hi hi! sorry i didnt add you as a friend!

  3. got a new idea for the lovely complex fic..gonna work on it after i bust my butt exercising and cleaning the house!

  4. been disracted by the wii to update...gonna try to work on that after i do my exercises..lol

  5. time to update two fics and work on two new stories! who would have though that drinking the night before would give you ideas! lol

  6. gonna go drinking downtown for a friends birthday! :D be on tomorrow to update stories if im not hung over lol

  7. Well my muse ran away, but it must have remembered that we are updating chapters Sunday...

  8. Considering moving from WI to Texas with my best friend

    1. Anesor


      Tired of WI or something planned for TX?

    2. kagome26isawsome


      No not really anesor..my friend lives in Michigan and wants to go down there and wants me to go with her...

  9. slipped on ice shoveling the 2.5 inches of snow..back is killing me now! darn it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      thanks jaydee the pills are taking affect but it still hurts

    3. BronxWench


      ::gentle huggles:: Any better today?

    4. kagome26isawsome


      yes much better...but gotta go back out and shovel :D

  10. Gonna write later, gotta go break up ice on the sidewalks and get ready for the 4-5 inches of snow we r getting tonight..blah!

  11. going to get out of the house and go exercise before my parents have a fit...feh

  12. is nuts for having the window open when its only 50 here but it feels night and today is the last day for the warm weather...

    1. kagome26isawsome


      *nice* sorry typed too fast

  13. New fic! woot :D im on a role again

  14. working on a new story..actually its a sequel to my fic 'alone time'

  15. kinda bored..wanna write but idk what..lol

  16. took a break to clear my mind....didnt really work! lol

  17. oh man you know the snow is bad here when even the plows get stuck!

  18. someone shoot me! im tired of the snow...blah

  19. Round one of snow is done...minor snowdrifts, easy to take care of, round two...ugh

  20. stupid snow...really wish for spring

  21. Working on a new fic, kinda gonna be different and exciting! hope i can do this!

    1. BoredStraight


      whoooo hooo! Good luck!

  22. just waiting for the darn snow to come..they say only an inch but i bet it will be more

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