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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. is happy! Going back to school since being on probation since 07!!!! Got aid so i can try again..so all stories will be on hiatus for a while!

    1. BronxWench


      Probation? O.O

      But anyway, congratulations!!! What will you be studying?

    2. kagome26isawsome
  2. IM IN LOVE! XD LOL man black butler is awesome! sorry but no 'happily divorced' fic till i finish the black butler anime! XD

  3. has a sotry written down for 'happil divorced' finally! now to motivate myself to type it up and post it..*sigh*

  4. IF YOU DONT WANT THE REMAKE OF DIRTY DANCING TO HAPPEN, SIGN THIS!: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?DD1987

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick


      Because Hollywood ran out of original ideas in the '40's and have lived by rehashing old ideas ever since.

    3. AlexandraS90


      Let's stop this injustice before it has a chance to begin.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      I agree! spread the word! If you have a facebook click this link to a group i made: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Do-Not-Remake-Dirty-Dancing/130641577030104

  5. Is mad they are making a remake of dirty dancing! No one can ever replace Patrick Swazye!!!

    1. AlexandraS90


      Yeah, you're right!

    2. Melrick


      Well that's a bloody stupid idea.

  6. wishing the plunnies would come back and help me update...hell even write this oneshot for gravitation!

  7. Its hot and im bored on the comp..Might as well get off and see if i can write new chapters. Hope the plunnies are ready to work instead of chilling in the pool

  8. Well the heat broke...but still hotter then hell upstairs...im able to get back on..unsure if the plunnies wanna writer tho..lol

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. Mistressofthewest


      Thank god! I never thought it was going to end. I can’t wait for fall. Ooh cool weather, Oktoberfest and Halloween. Hehe my three favorite things that I keep telling myself to stay sane in the sweltering heat.

      Eek! I am so glad that my place is on one floor. I don’t think I could stand it if it was two.

  9. been on and off do to heat and lack of ambition to write as of late...sorry folks! might have to take a couple months off to clear my head

  10. Im back! gonna try to update...lol the concert was awesome! XD

  11. incase anyone wondered what happened, we lost power for 5 hours due to a freak thunderstorm!

  12. HECK YEA going to summerfest with a friend and not my sister! my day just got better XD

  13. Im back! sorry been dealing with the damn garage and then hanging with friends...still unsur about the def leppard concert now...:(

  14. Im back! sorry been dealing with the damn garage and then hanging with friends...still unsur about the def leppard concert now...:(

  15. okay so i was told that i was exused from doing the garage because of my shoulder :D yea!!!!! this weekend is gonna be fun! lol

  16. My muses and i had fun this morning so they are ready to get back to work! yea!! now if only i could get out of scraping the garage :sigh:

  17. OMG SAW GREEN LANTERN! TOTALLY WORTH IT! also got some of the garage done.....

  18. stupid property police! they gave us till wensday to scrape the garage or else they will add another $50 to the fine! grrrrrrrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. JayDee


      It's the only city department making any money in this economy! I Still say the graf artists'll probably descend on it as soon as it's clean.

    4. sumeragichan


      Why do they care again? Do you live in a place with an agreement to keep up the property to a set standard? I forget the exact term I want for this, but those are some insane contracts.

  19. is back on after two days because of the heat and now my muses dont want to agree with me *igh*

  20. why is it i cant update current stories but i got the urge to write at least 3 oneshots? ugh! i think my muses hate me for the break i had to take

    1. Melrick


      That happens to me, quite a lot, and it's aggravating.

    2. kagome26isawsome
  21. Gonna try two more updates today! but might not because stupid city wants dad to repaint garage so i gotta help scrape off old paint :bash:

  22. despite it being hot, gonna update stories today....

    1. yukihimedono


      Yay! It's 100 here.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      sorry it reached 85 here...and i only did one update :(

  23. WOOT new story is up! its a family guy story and i feel good about it im gonna go write some more! YEAH!!!!

  24. is too hot to write...will try tomorrow after i get back from the library

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