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    BronxWench got a reaction from pittwitch in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    Oh, my poor Witch! Putting you on the altar for swift healing.  
  2. Like
    BronxWench reacted to WillowDarkling in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    I’ll keep you in my thoughts too, Pittwitch. Get well soon. 
  3. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    Ow, shit ouch. Fucksakes, horrible for you. I hope you’re doing better after the surgery.
  4. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    Dear gods, love, you get Mr. Witch to help out, and take it easy for a bit (even if I know you won’t).
  5. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    Oh, my poor Witch! Putting you on the altar for swift healing.  
  6. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pittwitch in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    Dear gods, love, you get Mr. Witch to help out, and take it easy for a bit (even if I know you won’t).
  7. Sad
    BronxWench reacted to pittwitch in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    I’m slightly better, if more sore today.  Slowing getting some ability to use my hand again.
  8. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pittwitch in does not recommend stair surfing. Things get broken. Like your neck, your collarbone,   
    Holy crap, my Witch! Are you okay????
  9. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from InvidiaRed in My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightful   
    I’d have given you that one, as long as I get “fucknugget.”
  10. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightful   
    I’d have given you that one, as long as I get “fucknugget.”
  11. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightful   
    I’d have given you that one, as long as I get “fucknugget.”
  12. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightful   
    I’d have given you that one, as long as I get “fucknugget.”
  13. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from InBrightestDay in My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightful   
    I’d have given you that one, as long as I get “fucknugget.”
  14. Like
  15. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InBrightestDay in The funniest speech of 2019.   
    Mockery is not hopeful, and the New Greed Deal was not a socialist manifesto. It was a way to open a dialogue about something that matters, given that we have ONE planet and we’re killing it, along with ourselves. If we throw up our hands because China and India aren’t as eager as we are to save the planet, we ARE being childish. If we are such a great nation, let’s do great things and find a way to resolve some of the pollution issues in spite of the major polluters. Greatness requires action, not pointing fingers. My generation had its own labels from the previous generation. And in your turn, you will label the generation which follows you. Move on. Brexit will matter. We have become a global civilization. We need to cooperate on a global level to succeed. London has been a leading financial center, but financial institutions, spurred by the implications of Brexit, are moving their offices out of the UK. There’s a huge numbers of jobs vanishing. I have family there. This isn’t hypothetical to me. A superpower cannot by definition isolate itself. And the shipping lanes remaining open is largely dependent on whether or not the rest of the world decides they need our markets enough to pay the tariffs imposed by our dysfunctional economic policymakers. Read the history of the Roman Empire, particularly its fall. It’s a godsbedamned road map of where we are now.
  16. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InBrightestDay in The funniest speech of 2019.   
    “Farting cows” might possibly be a reference to discussions in New Zealand on how to curb methane gas there, a great deal of which comes from cows and sheep. There was a reference in that to burping cows. Not quite the same thing, but in the spirit of giving people the benefit of the doubt, let’s assume Mr. Lee did indeed have some passing knowledge of the discussions in New Zealand.
    While no one was suggesting doing away with cows and sheep, one thing bandied about was a tax on cows and sheep, to help pay for the cost of dealing with all that excess methane. There is a marked effect due to the increased greenhouse gases on native flora and fauna in New Zealand, and they are not only concerned, but willing to actually do something about it and not punt the issue to the next generation to handle. That is what we need to do, and we need to do it now. We can’t afford to wait for the next generation to take care of the damage we’re doing to our planet, especially since we’re in the very unenviable position of having all our eggs in one basket—to whit, this is our only planet, folks.
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InBrightestDay in The funniest speech of 2019.   
    The saddest part is that he actually represents people who think he’s making a valid point. “Well, hell, yes, Mary! We don’t have any smart people who can fix things right now, so we better get busy birthing them!”
    This does not inspire me with confidence, really…unless he’s come up with a way for men to have all those babies, of course, in which case, I’ll bring popcorn.
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InBrightestDay in The funniest speech of 2019.   
    Having more kids isn’t the answer. I have two of my own, and I can promise you, I didn’t raise them to pick lettuce or mow lawns for a living. It’s not that those are bad jobs, but like every parent, I want more for my kids than I had. That would be the American dream, yes? I’ve done well, by most standards, but I want them to have more. I want them to be secure, to own homes, to have the wherewithal to travel. And Mr. Lee’s reasoning that our kids will solve the problems we make for them today? We call that passing the buck where I come from, and it’s not a good thing at all. It’s the hallmark of the intellectually lazy and morally bankrupt.
    No one expects we will ever reach zero emissions. Does that mean we don’t try? Do we give up? Do we sit back and use that kindergarten level excuse of, “Well, China’s dirtier, and India made a bad smell first” ? Honestly, this is why our country is losing ground on the global stage. We’ve become a bunch of whiny toddlers. We used to lead by example. Now we serve as a horrible warning. Maybe we deserve to retreat to isolationism and a third world status like the UK is doing--with all apologies to my British friends, but Brexit is really a Trumpian level of stupidity.
  19. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Melrick in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    She’s doing round 5 now. She needed a transfusion first, but she’s at least eating which makes my sister feel better. Next week, more testing: PET-MRI and bloods, and the week after that is round 6 of chemo. It’s aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer, and she’s staying focused on what matters to her...preparing for an art show.
    I love my amazing, talented, brave niece.
  20. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    She’s doing round 5 now. She needed a transfusion first, but she’s at least eating which makes my sister feel better. Next week, more testing: PET-MRI and bloods, and the week after that is round 6 of chemo. It’s aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer, and she’s staying focused on what matters to her...preparing for an art show.
    I love my amazing, talented, brave niece.
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Tcr in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    She’s doing round 5 now. She needed a transfusion first, but she’s at least eating which makes my sister feel better. Next week, more testing: PET-MRI and bloods, and the week after that is round 6 of chemo. It’s aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer, and she’s staying focused on what matters to her...preparing for an art show.
    I love my amazing, talented, brave niece.
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from kagome26isawsome in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    She’s doing round 5 now. She needed a transfusion first, but she’s at least eating which makes my sister feel better. Next week, more testing: PET-MRI and bloods, and the week after that is round 6 of chemo. It’s aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer, and she’s staying focused on what matters to her...preparing for an art show.
    I love my amazing, talented, brave niece.
  23. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from InBrightestDay in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    She’s doing round 5 now. She needed a transfusion first, but she’s at least eating which makes my sister feel better. Next week, more testing: PET-MRI and bloods, and the week after that is round 6 of chemo. It’s aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer, and she’s staying focused on what matters to her...preparing for an art show.
    I love my amazing, talented, brave niece.
  24. Thanks
    BronxWench reacted to kagome26isawsome in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    sorry to hear that, hope the cemo goes well!
  25. Thanks
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is unde   
    I’m so sorry to hear that.  Cancer is just… beyond words.  Fingers crossed everything works out well for her.
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