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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Either way works. It’s mostly to alert potential readers at this point, but should the fandom ever wind up with a category of its own, it’ll be easier to spot your story and move it if you put the fandom name first, as in your first example.
  2. I’m a dedicated pantser. I do have an idea of the basic story, but characters tend to get away from time to time.
  3. If this is a show you’ll write more stories for, I can always create a category for it. Otherwise, you might want to name the fandom in the summary field, jut so people are aware of it in advance.
  4. For me, absolutely. I have certain characters I truly enjoy writing for, and a large part of the editing process for me is making sure I’m not giving other characters short shrift.
  5. If the author is giving permission, then we won’t object if anyone has a copy and is willing to share it. I also received a copy of the email, so I can attest that it came from the author’s account.
  6. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to @WillowDarkling

    All the best to my Neko-baby! Love you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, WD! Any chance you’re turning 40? (WD-40, get it? Ima laff riot.) 

    3. Melrick
    4. WillowDarkling


      Thank you so much, Bronxie, and all of you guys :D 

      I got to spend most of the birthday itself in the car with the parental units, driving for nearly six hours to the north side of the country, and meeting up with the sisters and the youngest niece at the apartment we rented. Friday was spent mucking about (mostly entertaining the two year old, even though she absolutely does NOT want me to get too close to her, ever), and going to dinner at my uncle’s house to celebrate his wedding, on his 60th birthday, and then going to the hall where they were going to have his birthday party at to get the tables and decorations and all ready. Saturday was then spent at my uncle’s birthday party, and then Saturday evening was spent watching the first numbers of the presidential elections :D  It was pretty obvious by midnight who would be winning, so we got our tired asses to bed, and then got up before noon today to drive for six hours back home, in shitty ass weather this time, since we’ve got a random surprise bout of winter-y weather heading over the country. So, yay to a birthday weekend :D  

  7. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links that will get you back into your account. Just follow the instructions in the email.
  8. It’s something our coder will address. There are a few functions that did not get activated properly in the new archive code, and since I’m not a coder, I couldn’t tell you what might have gone wrong. But we are aware of the issue, and it’s on the list of Things To Do. In the interim, I can access most of the functions, although there are a couple that won’t work for me, either.
  9. I’ve emailed you the links for activation and password reset. I have a suspicion Yahoo marked our original email to you as spam. They didn’t take kindly to us emailing all our members.
  10. I moved it to Avatar - The Last Airbender > FemmeSlash - Female/Female for you.
  11. I’ve emailed you the links to let you activate the account and set a password. The instructions are in the email.
  12. As I understand it, the one-shot is a single chapter in the multi-chapter Scooby Gang Time story. If that’s the case, I’m going to say that the site rules wouldn’t prohibit taking that single chapter and using it to start the spinoff story. I would just ask that you stick a little note somewhere, even as a footnote author’s note to the chapter, that this was originally a one-shot in Scooby Gang Time, and it took on a life of its own. You can add a link to the original story as well.
  13. It’s oddly specific about what it will and will not do. It’s fine with italics, but boldface is just not cutting it. It’s like dealing with my corgi.
  14. I’ve emailed you the links to activate your account and set your password. The email contains instructions on how to proceed.
  15. I think it largely depends on whether or not referring back to the one-shot chapter would be sufficient to bring readers up to speed. There’s also the question of new readers, who might not have read your Scooby Gang Time story.
  16. I’m going to say that it’s part of the ongoing glitches with the Rich Text Editor. In other words, it’s not you, it’s us.
  17. So, the corgi who owns me, She Who Is an Agent of Chaos, decided to scare the life out of me this weekend with a marathon of vomiting followed by some bloody stool. She decided to do this at the lake, and only because the daft one was called into work, and left with the car.

    Cue Elderspawn who rode to the rescue on Sunday morning, drove up to collect me, the ailing corgi, and Youngerspawn, so we could camp out at the 24-hour emergency vet for three hours only to be told the vet had to leave, and wouldn’t be able to see us. I am, at this point, in tears.

    We realize our regular vet is now open, because the gods are kind, and so we head there, manage to get seen without an appointment, and head home with meds to await the results of tests today. Of course, we are told not to feed the corgi, which is apparently an Unforgiveable Sin and results in nonstop side-eye and much deep sighing.

    Your kids grow up and are able to do things like drive to your rescue. Your furbabies will be toddlers forever. This morning, I was able to feed the corgi. The bottomless pit cleverly disguised as an adorable fluffbutt picked at her breakfast, a meal normally devoured in 3.7 seconds.

    I’m going to be making chicken and rice for her this afternoon. I know my place.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pittwitch


      Hope She is on the mend!


    3. BronxWench


      Thank you! She’s doing much better now, although I remain mystified that the vet would prescribe an antibiotic for her diarrhea with a common side effect of, yes, diarrhea. :blink: 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Suppose curing the cause would, long-term, take care of the diarrhea.

  18. I’ve emailed you with the proper links to activate your account and set your password, with instructions in the email.
  19. I’ve moved this post to a more appropriate thread. Now to the question. The first thing is to identify the best websites for your content. For example, certain sites have content restrictions. Here on AFF, our Terms of Service and Content Guidelines are pretty clear, and spell out what we do and don’t allow. But if a site doesn’t allow, for example, fiction based on actual persons or celebrities, posting a story about a real person or celebrity isn’t going to go over well. Once you’ve figured out what site or sites best suit your content, you need to make sure your story is going to attract readers and hold their attention. If you are able to post a summary, make it catchy. Spend a bit of time reading book summaries and blurbs to see what the professionals do. PROOFREAD AND FORMAT your story. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than typos, misused words, missing punctuation, poor grammar (unless it’s required for a piece of dialogue), and walls of text. I’ve put down published books that I paid for, and refused to finish reading them because of poor editing. You might be posting something online for free, but I truly think you still need to polish your story. Some sites, like AFF, have forums or community boards where you can promote your story. If that’s available, use it. Include the catchy blurb, story tags, and all the other things that might catch a reader’s attention. AFF does not support cover images in the archive, and we don’t allow images in the forum that are NSFW, but some sites do allow cover images. We use our forums to allow readers to engage with authors, while other sites let you reply to reviews directly. That’s what comes to mind for now.
  20. The email address I have in the archive is different from the email address you’re using here on the forum. Is that correct? I’ve emailed you new links to the address I have on record for the archive.
  21. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links to get you back into your account.
  22. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links.
  23. I’m showing two email addresses associated with this pen name. Please let me know which is the correct email to use, and I’ll send you the links to activate the account and set the password.
  24. I’ll email you the account activation and password reset links that will work, if you can provide me with a working email address. The one I have in the database returns as a disabled account.
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