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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Techno Ninja: It really is turning into chapters of a story, isn't it? But I'm glad you like the banter between Wraith and Alistair, and the game is such good fun that I can't quite feel guilty for getting you curious about it.... such an evil wench I am! But thank you for reading and reviewing! pittwitch: Thank you! Endings and beginnings... we're always experiencing them... I am very pleased that the banter between the lads works, because I do enjoy writing it! Thanks again!
  2. Shadowknight: The size constraint of the flash fics makes it a little harder to cover enough plot ground and go into greater emotional depth, but more will come as Wraith and Alistair get to know each other better, I promise! I deliberately didn't describe the sex between Tamlen and Wraith, because I'm sort of saving that for the Chantry boy. As to the grief, remember, he and Tamlen both knew this wasn't a forever thing, since they would both be called upon to marry. Wraith is feeling grief because he thinks he's supposed to, but he never formed that "I can't live without you" sort of bond with Tamlen. It's more guilt than grief, but Wraith hasn't figured that out yet...hence the lack of emotional depth to his grief. But gods, I that you read my prompts and think about them so seriously! You are amazingly good for my ego, do you know that?
  3. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Story: Ending Review Replies: Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule - AFF Community Forums Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Pairing: N/A Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, M/M, NoSex
  4. I think they said it was the 6th worst one-day snowfall. It was pretty impressive, though!
  5. They recorded 22.5 inches in the Bronx. With drifts it seems a lot worse, although at least the wind scoured the snow off my car. It's plowed in, but what's not buried in the wall of snow is clean!
  6. If I can get better pictures tomorrow in the nicer section, it really does look gorgeous here.
  7. ]Because he likes winter, these are for Shadowknight...
  8. I think JayDee is right. Holidays or possibly Celebrations?
  9. I started out writing longhand, in a series of notebooks, going through pens at a prodigious rate, and working on my laptop desk or at the pool. Then I would type everything up on the computer, and edit, edit, edit... It got colder, and I moved indoors, and eliminated the middle man, so to speak, and now I work on the computer. I still make notes to myself on all sorts of things, including scraps of paper, post-it notes, and my arm. Many, many years ago, I had an old Royal typewriter, with the cloth ribbons, and I used to love pounding away on that old thing...
  10. Whatever you're celebrating, may it be merry!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      Well, since I'll apparently be snowed in, I'm going to need playmates! :D

    3. Shadowknight12


      Cool, you bring the elves, I'll bring... more elves!

    4. BronxWench


      And plenty of coffee!

  11. wanderingaddict: Thank you! I think this one was probably the most fun to write, and I'm glad you liked it. I do like getting inside my characters' heads, even if it's a little harder to expound on that with the limitations of the prompt. But then again, that may be a good thing...
  12. JayDee: Nothing makes me feel better as a writer than to have people from outside my fandom read, and then come back for more, so a heartfelt thank you!
  13. pittwitch: This is the first time anyone's actually reviewed a onshot of mine twice, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it that much! I'm just really all gobsmacked that you'd come back to it, so thank you!
  14. ShadowKnight: I really don't know what else to say except thank you, for reading, for reviewing, and most of all for being so incredibly supportive and just helpful as I got my feet wet here! You make me think, you make me laugh, and you make me want to push that little bit harder. I'm glad the end worked, and especially the sex! I had way too much fun writing that, mind you, so yay! I'm also glad my twisted take on Gend worked. His backstory has stuck in my head for so long, and I've wanted to incorporate it somehow, somewhere. I'm also glad the bond worked, and yes, Sand is enough of an inner romantic to think that he'd found the one in Vale... And thanks again for sticking around for the ride!
  15. ShadowKnight: Let me start by saying that I adore your reviews, seriously, because you always make me look at my fic in a clearer light! So, thank you! It was a melodramatic chapter, indeed! And I admit I really did go to town on Vale's reaction. I'll have to play with Beredir a bit. What I had intended, and obviously didn't get across properly, was that Beredir is walking a fine line between being Sand's friend from his youth, and having become Vale's friend as well. Whenever you're caught in the middle between friends ending a relationship, it can be gruesome, as I've learned first-hand. I was hoping to convey that Beredir might know things that Sand has told him, but that he won't tell Vale, and vice versa. I'm going to ponder, and may bounce a few ideas off of you! The timeskip was another tough part for me to write. I wanted to highlight the major events without getting into too much detail, especially since this is leapfrogging past the events of the fic with the genasi. I can probably add a bit more to that without making the chapter turn into a fic of its own... And in case I don't say it enough, thank you.
  16. The only thing worse than Christmas shopping is wrapping everything you've purchased...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench
    3. FairySlayer


      Last year I just used aluminum foil for the few gifts I gave; this year I just showed up with a Target bag of stuff and that was more than fine.

      Shadowknight, ...

      Apollo, We need to get you better people.

      Then again, this year I spent hours getting the text aligned for the "card" versions of my gift pictures. But I kind of enjoy that. :)

    4. BoredStraight


      Shit I'm still not done shopping let alone wrapping!!

  17. pittwitch: Thank you! I was dancing fast to get Yule in there!
  18. You know what? That's probably the biggest compliment and best praise anyone could ask for, so thank you again! You've made my day!
  19. Fairy Slayer: Thank you so much for the review! Yes, I am such a geek when it comes to the lore and background stuff, but it makes it easier to write in a world when I understand it thoroughly. I'm especially glad that the bits of elvish aren't too jarring, since it seems Wraith would certainly think in what little elvish he knows. Alistair is sort of opening up a bit, but I'm not quite sure he's going to be ready for Wraith... But these two will be back!
  20. First of all, thank you! They are pretty sweet, but I blame it all on Alistair's influence. But you hit squarely on what was bugging me with this fic. The time lapse isn't clear when you're hopping from flash fic to flash fic like I'm doing, and it's hard to squeeze enough backstory in to make the progression of their relationship make sense. I think, depending on the next prompt, I can either make it clearer or somehow get enough backstory in there to make it more logical, and therefore believable. I get lost in other descriptions... and then I forget that not everyone is actually living inside my head with me! (Gods, I hope not -- it's a mess in here!) But I do like this pair, and I will be writing more of them!
  21. Techno-Ninja: Thank you! This series is supposed to be more about the emotion, so I'm glad it's coming through. Things will heat up... soon! Apollo: Thank you! The Chantry boy is a little slow to get going, but once he warms up, oh, yes! And of course I had to slip the elf geekdom in there somewhere!
  22. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Story: Yule Review Replies: Review Replies - AFF Prompt/Yule - AFF Community Forums Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Pairing: N/A Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex
  23. You know, I don't think I could choose, either!
  24. I plan on doing as little as possible other than enjoying myself today...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      I get the day off today. It's my present to myself. :D

    3. ApolloImperium


      So this means you spend the day playing in Shoutbox?

    4. BronxWench


      Apollo, of course! :)

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