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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. wanderingaddict: Glad you enjoyed it! I haven't really written DAO before, since I tend to want to fill in plot holes, and DAO is not as rife with them as NWN was. Still, it's a fun world to play in, so I'll most likely be doing more. Alistair is hard to beat on, isn't he? He has that shy, self-deprecating humor thing going, and I'm a sucker for that. I actually hardened him for the first time on my last playthrough, and it was tough doing even that much to him. Now I'm toying with the notion of downloading the mod that will let a male PC romance him, just because the boys are feeling left out.
  2. pittwitch: Thank you! Short fiction is hard for me because I tend to get, well, wordy, but the challenge was amazingly fun, and I think I'm hooked! I'm glad that despite not knowing my fandom, you could still enjoy the story.
  3. Apollo: I'm glad you liked the kilt! I actually did think of you as I wrote that. Now if I went steampunk on my fandom and dredged up a leafblower... Fairy Slayer: Wow, thank you for all the really kind comments! I wanted the dream sequence to have that slower quality, so I'm glad that worked. I know it's hard when you don't know the fandom, and there really isn't a huge amount of room in the format to fully explain the particulars, but at least the sense that the two characters come from divergent cultures did come over. Just as an explanatory thing, Wraith is a Dalish elf, and in this gameworld, elves were at first enslaved and are currently at best second class citizens, and in actuality little better than slaves, except for the Dalish who are nomadic free elves.
  4. Oh, trust me, if Max was mine, he'd be sleeping on the damned terrace. In the cold. With those few ornery snowflakes that keep appearing. But, I think one of the things that made this so damned much fun to read is that it was obvious you had fun writing it. There were all sorts of sly little twists and phrases that just broadcast that to me as a reader, and made it that much more enjoyable. Nothing's worse than reading something that even the writer isn't excited about. Plus, I will occasionally feel like being a sub, so 'twas FUN!
  5. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Bad Dreams Review Replies: Review Replies for AFF Prompt/Bad Dreams Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Pairing: N/A Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Complete, NoSex, OC
  6. It's a hard balance for me between digging into the elven cultural stuff, such as the attention to appearance, hair, clothing and such, and contrasting that with the notion of elves in battle (loved Elrond on the battle scenes in LotR) or scouring the field with spells. This particular tidbit isn't really focusing on either of them in their more militant moments, and so yes, they're definitely coming off more effete than not. The next chapter might give a hint of how I see their militant sides, I hope, since neither one is exactly a lightweight as a mage, or particularly warm and fuzzy. Gend, yes, absolutely. Please, having to drag that story out of him was not worth the bother. And if you did let him romance you, who in the nine hells wants to run away to a frickin' jungle? Chult? Oh, yeah, honeymoon destination of Toril... As I clean up some stuff in the larger work that spawned this, I may post it here just to avoid having to listen to squeals of dismay from the fangirl set over at the Pit. Both Sand and Vale are much less fluffy and far more dangerous in that fic, Sand in particular. It isn't a huge clean-up, and I actually started a mark-up over the summer when I realized my laptop battery wasn't lasting long enough for me to get much writing done poolside, so it's a matter of putting this tale to bed, and then tackling the bigger one.
  7. Come to the Dark Side... we have accessories...
  8. Having glared another chapter into submission and posted it, I'm feeling good today, even if it's cold.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BronxWench


      Oh, sweetie, not a problem! I'm addicted to tweaking my stuff, so I understand wanting to get it right.

    3. dextrousleftie1865


      It has been very cold here on and off for the last month or so. It makes me cranky when it gets so cold that my pipes freeze and it takes days for them to thaw out after the cold snap is over.

    4. BronxWench


      This wench hates the cold. With profound fervor. And great enthusiasm.

  9. Oh, this sounds so familiar... I'm actually doing a rewrite on something I started about 2 years ago, and then had it fall to the wayside while I worked on another project. Oh, gods...what a mess! I opted to do the full rewrite, to clean up the awful bits and so that the chapters I'll eventually add on will at least match style-wise. It sounds like you might only need some touching up, if the transition wouldn't be noticeable in a big way. Maybe start there and see how it feels?
  10. "Where's my ale? I'm dying of thrust." Really? Can I be next?
  11. Tomoe's ♥♥ FanFiction Writer's Meme ♥♥ 1. How about a brief introduction of yourself? I am an evil wench with an overactive imagination, and far too much time on my hands in which to indulge myself. 2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with? I had an unfortunate encounter on a gaming forum with something known as "The Shirtless Saga." I would explain, but there really isn't enough brain bleach on hand. 3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write? I write fantasy, usually set in the Forgotten Realms world, although I am planning an original project in the near future. 4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore? ::clears throat:: I am a wench, NOT a whore, thankyouverymuch. I don't charge. 5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so? I would suppose, since I only have one here, that it would be Alchemy. 6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of? At this point, none of them. I'm still writing or rewriting most of what I've done. 7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with? The writing part is easy. Editing what I've written is harder. The thing I struggle the most with is getting enough detail out of my head and onto the medium of the moment, be it paper or pixels. 8. Write a few sentences of so of your favorite pairing or character. “I'm probably going to need to be able to walk tomorrow,” Tae'uomi said, biting back a gasp as Sand shifted slightly and nipped her collarbone sharply. “You should have thought of that earlier, vanyacora, before you subjected me to an afternoon of tortured metaphor and labyrinthine reasoning.” Sand licked where he had nipped, and then sucked a rosy mark against her skin. Tae'uomi grinned, toying with the tip of Sand's ear. “I did distract Aldanon with Zhjaeve, ascaredhel. I should get credit for that, at least.” “I do not give credit, iskavanim. You should know that.” Sand's fingers slid down across her belly, dipped lower, and Tae'uomi cried out softly as her back arched. “I could order you to stop,” the genasi offered, shivering with pleasure. Sand looked at her, the predatory smile back. “Oh, please do. Really.” His tongue traced the edge of her ear, his breath hot. “I am quite prepared to remain awake all night exacting my reparations, since I managed to take reverie earlier while Aldanon was going on about something or other.” 9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of? I really can't stand the main character being the sole focus, without regard to the other players on the stage. I also hate characters who are "evil" and yet wind up "redeemed" without any necessity for atonement. 10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones? I try like the hells not to be. 11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it? The first fandom I wrote for was the Neverwinter Nights CRPG fandom, set in the Forgotten Realms universe. And yes, I still write for it. 12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write. I use a mixture of original characters and non-player characters with liberal disregard for frequency. 13. What would you call your writing "style"? I have two distinct styles, but the one I use most frequently in my fan fiction is a more lyric style that tries to evoke a certain mood in my reader, and that is somewhat romantic in the emotional rather than physical sense. My other style is starker, where every word has to be exactly perfect. 14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most? Yes, I do read other people's fanfic. I tend to prefer fantasy settings, but I will also happily read fanfic based on movies or shows or books that I have enjoyed in the past. 15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do. I fear almost nothing, and if I were shy, I would never have published any fan fiction in the first place. After all, it's the dusty little thoughts from the corners of my mind that I toss out like so many crumbs. 16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego? I prefer constructive criticism, naturally, and welcome the opportunity to improve my writing. My ego is what it is. 17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens? I prefer quiet when I write, and solitude. Since neither is generally available to me, I have learned to write with pretty much anything less than bloodshed occurring around me. 18. What inspires you? What doesn't? It would be a shorter list. I've dreamed chapters. I've scribbled in notebooks at the side of the pool. I've written quick notes on my arm because I had no paper handy. Everything inspires me, except perhaps snow. 19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer? I've enjoyed my experiences as a fan fiction writer immensely. I've met other writers who are fascinating, and inspiring, and encouraging. I've learned so much, and I think I am growing as a writer. 20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it. Let's see if my cookie trail works.... perhaps Nastrandir? Or Niche? ::rubs hands together::
  12. "He set off on his mission with renewed prepuce." (found in a chapter I was proofreading for a friend)
  13. The proofreading is actually not all that time-consuming, and the offer stands.
  14. For whatever it's worth, while I'm nowhere near familiar enough with your fandom to actually beta (and prefer not to, truth be told), I am always up for grammar/mechanics proofreading. Like addict says, I like what you write, and I want you to keep writing.
  15. I figured it was a given that I'd go for the "Lawful Good" antagonist. That just amuses me no ends!
  16. My genasi is air, mostly because I liked some of the racial characteristics for that subtype, ie, being able to forgo breathing (very handy) and limited levitation. But it really is strange how the supposedly canon literature ignores the FR rules. I do remember in one of the books, a drow male who was considered quite tall, and the snark was that there was human in his background somewhere for him to be tall. I'm thinking he was supposed to be 6', but I could be wrong on the exact height. And for the record, I am doing my best to ignore 4e.
  17. Oh, I like my humans tall and lanky as well. Nice tall man, something to absolutely climb, gods, I'm a goner. Just shove me up against that tree trunk, let me get my legs around your hips, and... shit. I'm loving the multi-classing myself, and yes, the dynamics are going to be pure fireworks with an aasimar and a tiefling in the same party. (And can I say I like the sexy middle-aged tiefling? ). I'm already writing a genasi and the race is incredibly fun to write. I had to edit to say I nearly choked to death on my coffee when I read this. That was fecking wonderful!
  18. First of all, I like the premise of the link between them via the rune. I really do, and I am very eager to see what you do with it. The whole notion of the characters as "destined for glory" is also wonderful, because in this fandom it's a given that our characters are going to be glory seekers, and it's a total pain in the ass to try and pretend that they are not. The DnD elf height thing is variable, I think, depending on the edition you're using. Personally, I hate the "short, cute elf" thing, and prefer my elves to be closer to human height, albeit slimmer in build. I can do lithe, I can do graceful, but I like a little height in my men. What I'm really intrigued by is your half water elemental. There's so much leeway in playing with that sort of character, and the lore? Oh, gods, tons of fun there! Are you going to use the genasi stats, or try and blend human/water elemental on your own and create something unique? Either way, I'm drooling!
  19. I had to actually break out winter clothing today. Bleh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      Awwww, but why? Snow is like, the ultimate best thing ever! And I'm not being sarcastic here! :D

    3. BronxWench


      Seriously, I always find it horribly sad to see the bare trees, and the cold white ground. I know it's all a cycle, and spring will come, but it seems to take so very long.

    4. Shadowknight12


      Take that statement, reverse the feeling and multiply it by a hundred. I love winter precisely because of the cold and the desolation. :D

  20. ::waves hello:: I'm not quite sure yet how the private conversation feature works on AFF, so bear with me... I can be amazingly dense sometimes! :)

  21. Hmmm... interesting topic, and not one I've actually sat down and intellectualized. For the most part, my writing is seat-of-the-pants, without outlines, and subject to changes as the story develops. I might have thought I was going in one direction, and will wind up somewhere else entirely. I think some small amount of deconstruction is almost inevitable if you want to shake life into something that's become the literary equivalent of a raddled whore, such as anything involving vampires these days. But, and it's a big but for me, there is a point when it's too much and you do lose sight of the escapist nature of fiction. Even realistic fiction offers a form of escape, if only from our own lives and into someone else's shoes for a bit. I'm put in mind of Mary Doria Russell's absolutely gorgeous books, The Sparrow and its sequel, The Children of God. Her protagonist is absolutely wrecked, destroyed utterly and left devoid of faith. It's brutal. I can count on one hand the number of times a book has moved me to literal tears like those did. But it is a journey towards redemption, and in spite of all it cost him, he does find some measure of peace. Those two books will haunt me, always.
  22. Gods, I love your reviews, because they make me think! Yes, Gend is underdeveloped in term sof explaining why he just did what he did, and it's one of the things I'm already tweaking for the rewrite. I really couldn't do too much without cleaning up the prior chapters, though, so yes. There will be some more development for Gend, but it comes later. Ack, my elves are cute and sweet? Well, yeah, I suppose they are. Oh, well...feck... I do like playing with dialogue and I suppose that does show. And I'm glad the elven comes off as more intimate than pretentious of me. That's how I wanted it to feel, as though they resort to their own first language in moments of intimacy. But I am really making a concerted effort to write a happy ending for the poor elves, honestly! I'm not utterly heartless. But thank you again, as always, for reading, for taking the time to review, and for poking me!
  23. ::snorts:: As long as she doesn't ask her father, we're good... I'm pretty much unshockable.
  24. Oh, gods, I am gobsmacked, seriously! I really had not considered that English was not your first language, and now I'm even more impressed by the quality of your writing. English is such a fucking bastard of a language to learn, and every rules has not only exceptions but outright contradictions. I'm a native speaker of the language (although I frequently claim to be fluent in both English and American), and I screw up. This is a link to a site I use for my teengirl, who is much more proficient in texting than in actually writing, although I'm trying to get her to post some stuff on the Pit. I even offered to beta for her, which I rarely do. I'll proof for friends for grammar/spelling/mechanics, but I dislike trying to direct their writing because I'm terrified that I'll change their style too much. Every writer has a unique voice, and it shouldn't get lost. Punctuation rules Gods, above all, do NOT stop writing.
  25. Like I said, it's minor, but one of those things that can occasionally jar the reader. (So saith the Grammar Bitch, who had this shit beaten into her at a young and impressionable age.) In dialogue, if the attribution is not a completely separate sentence, the dialogue text should end with a comma right before the end quote, and the attribution should begin with a lower case letter. For example: "I can't believe you just said that," he snapped. The attribution really doesn't work as a standalone sentence. Did he bark that out, or flip out and pillage the town? Obviously, there are times when you attribute dialogue without one of those he said/he replied/he retorted endless sequences that can drag on. In that case, the period before the end quote and initial cap on the new sentence is perfect. Aside from that, poetic writing isn't necessarily poetry, but it is rich and complex and dense with imagery. That's a very good thing, imo, since writing should be a passionate thing. It should make you feel something, even if it's the urge to scream and heave the book out the window. If the reader doesn't react, it isn't working. You, gods, you get into your characters' heads, and you make me see them as flesh and blood, and you make me care about what happens next. Writing shouldn't be a dying art, and when I read something that makes me read until the end, straight through, and be hungry for more, well...
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