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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You can promote works in progress here, too, and some people promote again after each update, to let readers know they've updated.
  2. Hey! Life gets busy and you have a great deal going on, so no worries about not reviewing! As you can tell, it hasn't seemed to have daunted me. ::grins:: I've always hated the way the game left so many NPCs as ciphers, and especially some of the NPCs that can really shape a PC, like Daeghun. Sadly, the writers managed to take the NPCs they tried to flesh out and turn them into caricatures instead, but that's what you get when you sell out. I have to confess that the spirit shaman thing was part of why I started this fic. It was a challenge to myself to take a potential Sue and see if I could write her as a non-Sue. I'm not sure if I've succeeded, but we'll see.... And yes, part of the reason she's not quite as distressed by death is her connection to the spirit world and her knowledge that death is only a step on the path. The rest is both immaturity and the fact that she wasn't raised to be terribly in touch with her emotions. I can't see any child raised by Daeghun, no matter how much time they spent with the Starling family, being able to grasp emotional subtlety. So, yes, she was certainly surprised when she and Bevil had a quick tumble in the ruins, but it was more likely because she'd never considered him as a bed partner. One of the areas that her journey will make her grow is in learning to cope with emotions and attachments, or at least I hope I'm managing that. If I'm not, I trust you'll kick my ass and tell me so. The irksome thing about fan fiction is that you often begin with a character or plotline that makes the MC largely a Sue/Stu to begin with, and getting past that to find the flaws and person beneath is what makes it fun. At least for me, anyway. But, thank you for taking the time to leave a really thoughtful review. The feedback is how I'm going to continue to grow as a writer, and I truly appreciate the time and consideration you've put into this.
  3. I'll defer to DG if she differs, but for me, vore would pretty much incorporate contro for those who aren't into vore. For those who are, vore wouldn't be contro, however, and it might be refreshing for them not to see it labelled as contro. We don't label M/M contro even though some people might consider it that. (Can you tell I used to argue with Jesuits for shiggles? ) Dubcon versus rape is a whole other ball of wax, though. If there's clearly no consent, it's rapefic and that's one tag I do not play with. The last thing I want is a reader having a horrid flashback because someone doesn't want the "stigma" of labeling their fic a rapefic. In fact, when modding, dubcon's a tag that will make me look twice at a fic. It's an exceedingly fine line, and I am very conservative in my definition for the sake of our readers. I tagged one of my oneshots as a rapefic although it was fairly low key because no matter how low key I tried to make it, it was rape. Period. No bones about it. As far as vore, you do realize you've issued a challenge there, right? Only with my luck, Harry will also be pregnant.
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