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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. JayDee, you cover this in your summaries, and in your author's note warnings at the beginning of your stories. No one can ever claim that they were sandbagged by any particular quirk when reading your stories. And honestly, our other veteran writers in this genre also give ample warning. It's the newer entrants into the fray that aren't giving enough of a heads up for the unwary. If they're tripping up Dani and me, who have pretty much seen it all, then they need to learn to tag and we need to give them the tags to use. ::refills tumbler of sake::
  2. I second that. I'm not easily squicked by either, but Contro and Violence just aren't enough for some of this stuff.
  3. Thanks for the alert! We love our vigilant authors and readers, because it does actually help us a great deal. We do check all story updates and new uploads on a weekly basis, so if these are new, we'll be picking them up on the regular sweep of the archive. You can always feel free to leave a review, but you don't need to mention the disclaimer issue. One of us will take care of that, and leave instructions on how it can be corrected as well.
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