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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Thank you for your report. Please be assured that we are looking into this matter, and the author has already been advised that the author's note chapter is not permitted.
  2. That's what you're not understanding, You're not finding anything because the Asian cultural paradigm is different. They don't have a Western concept of good and evil. Instead, you might find things that are unlucky that are avoided, but honestly, no "evil" group will use an unlucky symbol, either. Instead of trying to warp Asian culture to fit the Western paradigm, work with it. Even "evil" gangs will choose a symbol that is auspicious to them. If you need to make it glaringly obvious, try something like a black lotus or a black peony. The black can be your "evil" while the flower is traditionally used on banners, in kamon, and on fans.
  3. There is no version of a pentagram in Japanese culture. You're applying Western cultural thinking again, and it doesn't apply here. In addition, as a pagan, can I say that I find the automatic association of a pentagram with evil highly offensive? Despite its adoption by certain Christian-inspired offshoots like Satanism, it is not an evil symbol at all. I don't mock the symbols of other faiths, and it would be nice, albeit rare, to receive the same courtesy.
  4. BronxWench

    SIN fic

    Between Dusk and Dawn by Xiophelia
  5. Ugh. Snow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      LOL--you say that like you mean it... :D

    3. RogueMudblood


      I do! I'd love some snow!

    4. BronxWench


      We're having another dusting tonight, and again tomorrow. Just enough to piss me off and make me have to brush off the car...

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