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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I've never been a huge fan of the whole good/evil dichotomy myself, since it's far too rigid for what is inherently a chaotic system. I'm also a lifelong pagan, so the whole angel/devil thing is more amusing than anything else, right up there with original sin and purgatory (although Dante had a blast with it). However, fire does not need to be crimson to be hot. You can have the white-hot flame of angelic justice, you can have the purifying fire of the heavens. It's your world, and your rules. Armor is much the same, and I like Melrick's idea of glass or crystal rather than metal, but if metal is your thing, how about electrum?
  2. Thranduil Oropherion, from Lord of the Rings
  3. The largest selling segment in the erotic romance market right now is slash, which is roughly half the market. The primary purchasers are women, and most of the publishers that handle this market ask for Happy Ever After, or at least Happily For Now endings. Rape is pretty much off the table, along with a few other quirks. You can actually look at the submission requirements for most of our advertisers to see what they want. Here at AFF, we prefer to remain free of censorship as far as content, but we do ask that it be tagged to avoid having readers encounter trigger issues like rape unprepared. The tags can be offputting, however, and many authors would prefer not to have them right up front like that. But it boils down to the site admins' decision to protect readers first and foremost, while acknowledging that tags can cause readers to avoid certain stories.
  4. We do not allow requests for copies of stories to be passed on here at AFF. In this instance, the story was posted here before the author was 18, and accordingly, all pre-18 content was deleted. The author has not been active in the past five years, although the author is of course welcome to post the story again now that they are of age.
  5. Actually, you can. Tags are part of the story summary.
  6. While I might argue the "socially conditioned" portion of the above, I do agree. And it is very true that we insist on trigger tags specifically so that people CAN avoid rape fics and other things they find objectionable. (Like scat, thankyouverymuch.)
  7. The issue here is that for some of us, despite the disclaimers on our original works asking that they not be redistributed in any way, allowing people to download our stories to e-readers puts us at risk for seeing our work bundled and offered for sale on Kindle, or off on a pirate site. While I make no profit from any fiction I publish here, I can choose to publish my original works at some point. Imagine how it would feel to find out someone beat me to it. Is this excessively paranoid? I've just had to file my first DMCA notice for a published work of mine that showed up on a website with whom my publisher has no relationship. That means I get no royalties from those sales, nor does my publisher, who has the exclusive ebook distribution rights for a two year period per our contract. I know the people who are actually asking on this thread are NOT the people who have any malicious intent. Those people don't ask permission on forums, after all. I just don't see the point in offering additional temptation to those out there who missed out on lessons in ethics and morality.
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