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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: The Scapegoat Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Fantasy & Science Fiction > Slash - Male/Male Warnings: Anal, BP, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, M/M, MiCD, Minor2, Rape, Rim
  2. 28504
  3. 28502
  4. The Forever Game by Jade-Tatsu
  5. 28500
  6. In many cases, authors pull original works because they have published them, or because they have published another story and the publisher has asked that they pull any online works. All we can tell you for sure is that it was not a Terms of Service violation or other staff action that resulted in the work being removed.
  7. 28498
  8. 28496
  9. Sorry about that! Correct link to AFF Version: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095697
  10. 28492
  11. 28490
  12. 28488
  13. Happy Easter! May the bunny be good to you! :D

    1. JayDee


      The bunny just heard about rabbit pie, and now it is Pissed. Leaving grenades instead of eggs!

    2. BronxWench


      This has potential... :D

  14. 28486
  15. 28484
  16. 28482
  17. 28480
  18. BronxWench


    DarkSiren929 has not activated the profile under the new code, and there are no stories shown for that profile. I'm not finding any record of staff deletion of that story. I'm sorry I can't give you more information.
  19. 28478
  20. 28474
  21. 28472
  22. 28470
  23. ::dies laughing::
  24. 28468
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