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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The Fantastic Four section was moved, when all the Marvel fictions were moved to their very own subdomain: Marvel 'Verse. Within the Marvel 'Verse subdomain, there are categories for Movies, TV, Comics and Cartoons. The only reason the staff will delete stories is if the user is underaged (or was at the time the story was posted) or has a Terms of Service issue that was not corrected after a sufficient period of time. Users sometimes delete stories themselves if they decide that they weren't happy with the work, or if they have gotten published, and their publisher asks them to remove any online postings. Without a specific story title or author, I can't look back and see what our records reflect.
  2. And therein lies part of the problem as well. Even if an author never responds to me when I review, it's still something I feel I should do if I've read a story for enjoyment. I think authors deserve that, and if they respond to my review, that's just icing on my cupcake.
  3. Try Marvel 'Verse > Marvel 'Verse Comics > Fantastic Four found here.
  4. Make sure you let us know if that goes to a publisher. We love it when one of our authors is published!
  5. That sounds like a variant of the "Read the Book" sort of fictions. There is generally far too much copyrighted material used verbatim in those works, and whether it's a book or a movie, it is not permitted by our Terms of Service here at AFF.
  6. The author is Ayato but it appears that the story has been taken down, perhaps for publication. She has contact information on her profile, if you want to ask.
  7. I'm going to assume two things here, the first being that you checked the Spam or Junk folder for your email account, and the other is that you used the email address we have on record for your account. I'm sending a test email to that address (I do NOT want to put that address out here on a public forum). If you don't receive that test, please let me know at our email: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and we can look into what else the issue might be.
  8. Damned if I can remember who or where, but I did read somewhere that a good novel-length story should have 3 crises and an ending that resolves them. The crises don't need to be overwhelmingly dark or gritty, but that seemed to have been seen as the key. With that in mind, I thought about most of the books I've read and found memorable, and there seems to be something to that theory. In a short work, you can have one issue, and as long as you resolve it for the reader, it's all good. But novels need something more, and sometimes the viewpoint that life isn't always pretty, or orderly, or even very fair works for those crises. I think that's why I enjoy doing short pieces here, because it's actually much more of a challenge to create short fiction that holds a reader's attention while letting them enjoy the fapping bits, too.
  9. There's nothing like a new puppy to remind me why I'm not having kids in my next life. I will, however, admit to taking great delight in waking Teengirl and making her walk HER puppy. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      All of the above!

    3. BronxWench


      And crouch on the kitchen counter, texting the evil draconic mother frantically because said puppy is nippy... :D

    4. DemonGoddess


      hahahaha! And learn how to train the puppy with proper people manners!

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