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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. While I normally would consider this a sort of baiting post, I'd like to take the time to address this. First of all, I want to point out that this site is run and maintained by volunteers. None of us, including our owner and administrators, make one cent from what we do. Revenue generated by our advertising banners, and from the generous donations of those users who wish to help goes into paying the hosting costs for the site, and to pay for the code upgrades necessary to keep things moving smoothly. So, right from the start, the people working to maintain this site do it because we love AFF and what it stands for. Having said that, we have a clearly written, plain English Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. We make the rules and expectations very clear. Since this is an adult site, we expect that our members, being adults, can read and comprehend those rules. They are few and quite simple. In the event that a member might not understand a rule, we have forums where they can ask us, and we are always happy to explain what we mean by a given rule. The rules are necessary so that the site can continue to exist. We are required to comply with the laws of our domicile, and it is the site's owner and administrators who stand to face the consequences if we don't enforce our rules. Jail time, fines, and lifetime registration as a sex offender are all potential consequences. I would strongly suggest that it is morally repugnant to expect anyone to face those consequences because another person doesn't want to observe clearly stated rules. I will assure you that we do document infractions, and the methods are in keeping with the nature of the infraction. Given that we are human, it is inevitable that we will make a mistake from time to time. There is no absolute guarantee of infallibility promised, nor is that even remotely possible. If you believe we have warned you, or taken other action that was not correct, you would be better served by emailing us with facts to refute our conclusions. To address moral standards, by what benchmark do you judge? How do you determine whether you are a more moral person than I, for example? You don't know me, and I don't know you. Therefore, that entire line of reasoning is specious and childish. If you question whether or not any staff member can behave badly with no consequences, we do have oversight at all levels. It is simply impossible for any moderator to apply warnings incorrectly without that error being caught. Moderators are supervised by the administrators, who are long-term staff members, who have written the rules and guidelines, and who insist that those rules and guidelines be implied impartially. In short, you posture nicely, but you lack sufficient training in logic, or in classical rhetoric and grammar to make this debate sustainable.
  2. We have a FAQ for that... The FAQ has screenshots, and links to show you exactly how to find those ID numbers. Poke around our FAQs - they're open for anyone to read, and if you have any questions after reading those, we're always happy to help.
  3. Hi! We're rewriting the archive code, and rolling out the new code in stages. While we do that, we may have to disable some features, and others might look as though they've been dropped. I know that the stats is something we all miss, but I'm not sure how that page will look yet when the coding is finished. Bear with us, and we do take comments like these under advisement as we go forward.
  4. If it's safe to read, it's safe to review. I shall wag my finger at you in a terribly maternal manner, young man... In all seriousness, though, I've had that happen, and what I do is bookmark the story in my browser so I can come back and leave a review. It's important to remember that our fellow authors thrive on reviews as much as we do.
  5. BronxWench

    alien fic

    The story was called Inversion, by Fallen. It's been taken down, and I'm seeing no staff action with respect to the story, so I can only surmise that it was taken down by the author. Sorry!
  6. I believe the story you want is Stray by Ayato.
  7. This is exactly the sort of thing that I love to hear, actually. As a woman who writes a good bit of slash, I've also done an enormous amount of research, including the physical and biological imperatives of both genders. I'm fairly sure my daft bugger wrote me off as batshit crazy quite some time ago, but he's sticking around, so I won't complain. I'm always happy to learn more, and hear from more men about the physicality of being male, so thank you!
  8. Hi, Our administrators handle all account deletions. I would suggest you email technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with the archive profile name, from the email account used to create or register the account. If you no longer have access to that email address, but can remember it, you should include that information in the email to help verify your ownership of the account. Our admins do have real life obligations that keep them more than busy, so it can take up to 48 hours, and sometimes longer, to process a deletion, so please be patient. Thanks!
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