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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Honestly, as the legal guardians of the girls that did the stabbings, their parents ARE responsible under the law. The fact that we rarely push to punish the parents doesn't make it unreasonable to think that they might bear some of the blame. We're fast enough to blame parents if a kid finds a gun and shoots a cousin. How is this different? When will we realize that kids need watching, and it starts AT HOME? It's well past time that we started to expect people to be responsible. You bring a child into this world, and you are responsible for raising that child, feeding them, educating them, and teaching them how to be a productive member of society. You don't buy them a laptop at ten and say, "Have fun." You make sure they know what's right and what's wrong. It's no one else's responsibility. Yes, the other girl is alive, but can you imagine how this will color her life? Not only now, when she's injured, in the hospital, and no doubt scared half to death, but years from now. Who's going to be there when she suffers PTSD, or has nightmares? Who puts her life back together for her and makes it all okay again? No one can give her back what she lost thanks to these two little monsters.
  2. You know what? As a parent, I really have to say that 12-year olds need to be monitored when it comes to the Internet, and I do think the parents were remiss. No 12 year old is mature enough to be allowed free rein on the Internet, and it's the job of those of us who are parents to KNOW where our kids are surfing. It's not the job of the Internet to police our kids. We are the legal guardians, the adults, and we need to assume responsibility.
  3. I've asked a friend who uses a Mac book to check, and she says she uses the CMD key for selecting multiple options, which is allowing her to select more than one story code. And because I'm already being Captain Obvious no doubt, you're holding the button before you click the code, yes?
  4. My pleasure, and always glad to help!
  5. That is, actually, how foe and I met. He asked, I answered.
  6. And the proper link is: Boy in the Grass
  7. Look at the url line at the top of your browser when you're on the page with the author's profile. At the end, you'll see a number, like this: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296892487 (This link won't work because I edited the ID to highlight it, but it's my author profile which I'm using as an example.) That number is the author ID. You can copy and paste that number into the field in your profile. It's the same thing with stories. The story ID will be the numbers at the end of the url line.
  8. The total for characters includes both the summary itself and the story codes, so I think that sometimes makes it harder. We tend to forget that codes can eat up a huge amount of the limit. If you need to, we do allow the story codes to be added at the top of the first chapter as a separate author's note. We don't count that toward an author's note limit, either, since we treat it as part of the story details.
  9. Because I'm insufficiently caffeinated at the moment, do you need us to delete the standalone chapter?
  10. When you are editing the Summary field, you need to use the arrow keys to navigate along that field. It doesn't appear in a popup anywhere so you can see and edit the entire thing at once. Alternatively, you can write out the revised summary in your word processor, delete any text in the Summary field, and paste in the revised text. If you're making many changes, that may actually be easier than arrow-key navigating. Just bear in mind that the Summary field only allows for 240 characters, including spaces. If you've reached the limit, it simply won't allow you to add another character, which might appear as if the field is uneditable.
  11. I just gave it a try myself, and I'm able to multiselect when adding a work to the archive. I can't think of any browser settings that might be affecting this offhand, but I'm not the tech expert. What browser are you using? Just from curiosity...
  12. I promise you, I'm not leaving. I have a very cozy lair in the corner, and it's far too much trouble to pack up the hoard.
  13. BronxWench


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