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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The other issue is that while our administrator, DemonGoddess061, is reviewing each subdomain and dealing with leftover issues from the past, she also has a great deal else on her plate, including real life. Harry Potter has not been cleaned yet. When it's cleaned, empty pairings created before we had a clear policy, or where the stories were removed by the authors, will be eliminated. As JayDee said, we require at least 5 existing stories for any pairing category now, although in the past that was not done. If you can list five or more stories for the pairing you want to see, by all means create a category request post following the instructions in that thread. Just keep in mind that DG doesn't have the time right now to clean up the Harry Potter subdomain, particularly since there are other subdomains ahead of it in the queue. Thanks for your patience!
  2. 29077
  3. 29073
  4. 29071
  5. 29067
  6. 29065
  7. Are you looking for stories like this? Or are you posting a request for someone to write this story? Either way, it doesn't look like you have a story that needs adopting, or are looking to adopt a story that needs a new author. If you let us know what's going on, we can move this post to the right area of the forum.
  8. 29060
  9. 29055
  10. 29051
  11. 29049
  12. ::grins:: A WIP is a Work In Progress. I actually used my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month) freebie to print a vanity copy of the first 40 chapters. Book 1 of the story, as it were. 130,842 words. Now I just have to finish the godsbedamned thing before next June so I can print up Book 2 as my little vanity prize. There's something incredibly fun about holding an actual book with your name on the spine.
  13. 29046
  14. 29043
  15. This author has two duplicates in Inuyasha: A Brother's Tail--Volume II-Kiss me, Aniki - posted first A Brother's Tail--Volume II-Kiss me, Aniki - duplicate Brothers Alternate Ending Posted - posted first Brothers Alternate Ending Posted - duplicate Profile
  16. 29036
  17. 29034
  18. 29032
  19. 29030
  20. 29028
  21. 29025
  22. 29023
  23. 29020
  24. And honestly, fan fictions can become as long and as complicated as any novel. Trust me on this. I have one WIP that is currently at 197,212 words so far, and it's not done. My Original stuff here doesn't get quite that long, but I can be a wordy Wench.
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