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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. My Teengirl still giggles about the effectiveness of a bow as wielded by a fairly cranky parent/Dungeonmaster.
  2. We can discuss those as well, pak, my love. The largest difference is that the left wing idiots are generally armed with the pro bono services of equally left wing lawyers, as opposed to guns.
  3. Exactly, and I heartily endorse both responsible gun ownership and hunting for food as opposed to sport. Well, mostly on the hunting. There are a few people I'd hunt for sport.
  4. Ooohhh... Jamaica... I liked it there...
  5. Bear in mind that the framers of the Constitution were not all adverse to the potential for future bloody revolution, and in fact, wrote the Constitution to allow for and encourage that scenario. With that in mind, I could well see that the Constitution doesn't specifically prohibit the right of the individual to bear arms. I would also keep in mind that the idea of carrying a firearm was not so foreign in a time when most people still routinely hunted. Does it hold true for today, that we should allow and indeed encourage our citizens to bear arms? I hesitate to endorse that if only because the young people of today by and large have shown themselves to be devoid of any notion of responsibility and consequences. Until we have managed to teach the "respawn" generation that they can't run around behaving however they want, it would be a Very Bad Thing to give them anything more lethal than a spork.
  6. We're going to have to agree to disagree, then. I suspect that you will, in time, understand exactly why I've taken the position I have. I'm old enough to have seen a great deal, and I've learned how little I know, but I do know that the answer is not to excuse the ADULTS who were responsible for teaching these children how to be reasonably decent human beings.
  7. Yes, but that doesn't sound as pretty when you shout it from a pulpit, does it? Me, I'll stick with my bow.
  8. Why, thank you! We do strive to make everyone's day a little more surreal...
  9. "Author Panel" was replaced by the "Control Panel" button on your profile. We have a great FAQ here.
  10. If they have serious mental issues, then by all the gods, they should NOT have been reading creepypasta. That scares adults, ffs. It only reinforces what I said, that parents have an obligation to make sure they know where their children are surfing on the Internet. And a large part of what's wrong with the Internet generation is that there is NO concept of consequences. No one expects them to take responsibility for their actions. No one wants to say, "You screwed up, and you are going to receive a punishment." I knew that if I screwed up, I was going to get spanked, lose privileges, and be generally miserable until I'd been deemed sufficiently punished. Guess what? I grew up to be a fairly good person, who gets involved with the community, obeys the law, works hard, pays taxes, and doesn't litter. I've raised two children. I have one who's 19 and one who's 16, and I monitored their Internet usage. They earned privileges based on both age and how well they obeyed the restrictions I'd imposed on where they could surf. Neither one of them has ever shown any inclination to lure classmates into the woods and stab them to prove to a fictional character that they were "worthy." And if they ever had entertained such gruesome notions, I'd have known about it long before it got past the "what if we..." stage. I understood that kids don't spring into the world with a font of altruism waiting to be unleashed. They're largely amoral, selfish, impatient, and not at all empathetic. It's up to parents to instill some sort of values in their children. I'm not playing with theory here. I've lived it, and I'm speaking from experience. It's not rocket science, people. It's called parenting. It's what OUR parents did, and it works.
  11. June is Pride Month, and the good folks over at Torquere Press are celebrating with a month-long sale. Use code PRIDE to get 20% off at torquerebooks.com for the entire month of June. Nothing like a sale to inspire some summer reading fun! You can find some of the best names in LGBT romance there, not to mention my own debut novella: Ghost's Sight
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