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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I'm just glad we could solve it quickly.
  2. It definitely wasn't a Heathkit, that much I'm sure of. My dad was the one who built the stereo receiver, but I don't recall him ever building a radio. He'd probably have enjoyed it, though!
  3. Quoting right from our FAQ on disclaimers: If your three principal participants are fine with the essay, then I don't think there's an issue. If I'm missing something, DG will be sure to correct me.
  4. BronxWench


    You need to use the proper thread and format to request a category. Check out the thread here.
  5. Hi, It sounds like you need to log out, and then log back in again using the login fields in the upper right corner. The center field only work once, at activation, and thereafter they don't function. We recommend that you try to log out and in again. The other thing that may be happening is that your browser might still be using cookies from before the domain name change. You can clear your cache and cookies, and that way, the new domain will set the updated cookies. For your reference, the new domain is www.adult-fanfiction.org. I hope this helps!
  6. Zombies would be a huge improvement over lawyers. Just one catch. They'd starve to death in the capitol....
  7. I'm not seeing a category in the archives for either the actors themselves (in Celebrities) or for the shows (in Television). I'm sorry.
  8. Speaking as a woman of a certain age, who has been privileged to see a great deal of change in her lifetime, the supremacy of the Tea Party will be occasion for me to actually leave this country. If I'm going to be told that I'm a second class citizen who can't think for herself because my gender makes me incapable of logic, then I'm perfectly happy to take my knowledge, my skills, and my demonstrably superior intellect elsewhere while I pursue a somewhat more Jeffersonian solution to the problem of the Tea Party and its mission of oppression. Revolution was not only contemplated as a future event by our Founding Fathers. They were wise enough to provide the blueprints on how to take our country back from future fundamentalist oppressors. Certainly, any group that would deny rights to anyone who isn't an older male of a specific religious persuasion and ethnicity counts as an oppressor, don't you think? Or did we just fight a war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda based on their fashion choices? I won't argue that the current bipartisan party system is more than broken, but replacing it with oppression and backward thinking is not the answer. Perhaps it's time for the moderate voices to be heard again, or for us to stop electing lawyers to govern us.
  9. Honestly. I miss the hisses and pops from an older, much-loved, well-played LP. I still have all my old LPs, and thinking about it, it must have been a Zenith then that my dad used. I gave the receiver to an audiophile buddy years ago, and at last report, it was alive, well, and glowing nicely. And I still have an analog tv, picture tube and all. I watch the damned thing so seldom that it won't die, and I'm not replacing it until it does.
  10. Sundays. The Wicker Man is Sunday. Tuesday is Ritual Dismemberment.
  11. Mine was one of those kits that let you build your own stereo receiver. I want to say it was a Phillips, but that may be wrong. Anyway, my dad built it, and when my sister and I got our first apartment alone, he gave it to us, along with two huge speakers and a turntable. We were definitely cool.
  12. Hi, You can go to your Author Profile, open the Control Panel, and in the correct subdomain, select the "Delete" button. You'll go to a page with a dropdown that lets you select the title of the story to be deleted, and then once you've done that, you can click the delete button next to it. That should do it. Failing that, you can tell me the subdomain and story, and I'll take care of it.
  13. It was never Kirk and Spock! Spock always had more taste than that... (It was Spock and Chris Pike, of course...)
  14. "Slash" is used to describe fiction with same-gender pairing. For the most part, slash by itself seems to be taken as male/male, and femmeslash refers to female/female pairings. It covers all the non-anime/manga based fictions, since anime/manga has its own terminology: yaoi and yuri, respectively. It's actually a good question, since people tend to wonder why I get pissy when they say I write yaoi and I correct them sharply. I write slash (male/male) as well as het, and nothing I write is set in an even remotely anime or mange sort of universe, thankyouverymuch.
  15. There is still a shop in NYC that sells vacuum tubes. Seriously. I used to watch my dad testing them, and I had an old stereo receiver that used them. I happened to be passing the shop a few weeks ago, and it's still there, and still has the tubes and a tube tester!
  16. Oh, yes, and listening to my grandmother grumble that her fingers were too big for the holes.
  17. Hi! While we work on the code rewrite project, the best way is to add the story to your profile under Currently Reading. It's a handy place to keep the link for quick access, and also lets others know what you're enjoying, which might get them to read that story as well.
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