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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench

    Little Harry

    I'm not finding any staff records on that title, so I'm pretty sure it was not removed by us. If anyone can come up with an author name, I can try looking that way.
  2. Hi, I'm seeing a couple of things going on. You've posted the second chapter as a separate story, and I'm not sure that's going to work well for you, since the stories won't be linked. Readers will have to go from story to story for each chapter. We have a FAQ on how to add a chapter here. I'd suggest going into your original story here and adding the second chapter based on the steps in the FAQ. Then you can delete the second story altogether. Now, on to disclaimers. For Original fiction, we need to see two things. We need you to state that it's a work of fiction, and we need what's called a resemblance clause, something like "Any resemblance of characters to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental." Those are the only two thing we require. You've got that in your second chapter posted as a new story, but the first chapter doesn't have either part, so that would need to be fixed. I use the following on my Original works: "This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is unintentional. All rights reserved by the author." You can feel free to use that if it works for you as well.
  3. I'm not showing any evidence of staff action, and Blay seems to have deleted all stories. I'm sorry.
  4. I can't shoot an automatic handgun with any accuracy at all. I'm better with a revolver, but in all honesty, I'm very aware that in all likelihood, any handgun would be taken from me and used against me. I try not to be delusional most of the time. But yes, Prohibition is a good example of what bans do. More people will own guns because they become attractive as forbidden fruit. Background checks and properly supervised sales will ensure that people who want guns and are not a risk to the populace at large can own them. My dad loved guns, and always had them. He kept them in a gun safe, he shot mostly at a range, and he was one of the range members who volunteered to teach gun safety to Scouts and other groups. I went to the range with him, and enjoyed it thoroughly. My objection to guns is the idiot boy-child holding it sideways like a freaking rap video, who couldn't hit the broad side of a skyscraper with a freaking howitzer. Personally, I say we take all these young idiots, put them in a locked arena, and let natural selection do its thing.
  5. I think, living in an urban center like I do, it colors one's perceptions as well. There is no real reason to own a gun within the confines of a city other than for self-defense, and if you need a gun to be safe, your problems are far larger than gun control. You also have the issue of young, largely ignorant and far from upwardly mobile males who treat guns as an extension of their manhood. The sad truth is that you can't legislate against stupid.
  6. ::nods:: And some of the most pitiless, emotionless people I've met have been female. I've known women who could turn off any emotional attachment like you would turnoff a running faucet. So, really, I try not to generalize myself.
  7. Actually, not an anti-gun nut myself, but I've seen the same studies as DG, apparently. Look at Japan, for example.
  8. Reviving dead threads is perfectly normal around here. As new people join, we get new perspectives, and that's always good!
  9. Honestly, we have never had a code for that, since unless it's interspecies/xeno/anthro, we've not much thought about it. I think a brief author's note at the beginning giving that as an additional code is fine, actually.
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