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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. If the story is not listed on LeoZodiac's profile, then it may be posted on another site. You would have to search there yourself, since I'm AFF staff and do not post links to stories published on other sites.
  2. For Indigo: Thank you! This is one of my own favorites, although I'm generally my own harshest critic. What I really, really love is seeing what readers get from my stories, and I do love where it took you. Thank you again! You've made this author very happy.
  3. For Play It Safe: Thank you! As you might have guessed, I have fun writing Sam and Mori's little sketches, They're an intriguing pair, and good fun. For The Accident: Thank you! This one I will blame on a very misspent youth and an addiction to offbeat horror films. VERY offbeat horror films... There are far too many worlds in my head, and not enough time to write them all, really. But at least I won't run out of quirky places to visit.
  4. I've read neither story, so I won't vouch for them, but there you are.
  5. For Hazardous Duty: Thank you! I love the limitation of flash fics because I love the challenge in fitting enough plot to give the sex a backbone, as it were. This is one of the little character development pieces I wrote to help in the revision of a novel-length work in progress that occupied two NaNoWriMo. I like having a good handle on all the characters, and these oneshots help me get to know them better. This will be the poolside project for this year, I think...getting this monster revised, and both parts merged properly. Which of course will teach me to attempt sweeping sagas that cross star systems and end up with inter-species relationships.
  6. Hi! I'm a moderator, not an administrator, but I can answer this question for you. We LOVE to have authors add links to the forum in their stories to the review or discussion threads for a story, and I'm equally happy to have you add that link to a review, so folks can know that they can come and chat with you and magusfang here. The Fan Fiction threads, where most of us post review reply threads, is open for anyone to read and reply without registration for the forums. It has to be a registered forum user who starts the topic, but magusfang is certainly registered. The Writers Corner threads are for forum members only, so those discussions would only be open to other forum members. And as an author, can I say thank you for being the kind of reader who wants to generate discussion and spark interest among other readers? That's the kind of thing we all love to have happen, so thank you!
  7. The actual author is hpg70, who published the work originally offsite. KhaosKyuubi posted it here, but our Terms of Service don't allow the posting of someone else's work on another author's account, so we could not allow that story to remain as it was posted. As long as the original author is at least 18 years of age, they are welcome to post the story here themselves. We do allow round robins, as long as the story is posted as such, and each author adds chapters from their own account.
  8. It's my pleasure to help!
  9. BronxWench


    FAMILY TIES by tas
  10. If you can find the first chapter via the author's page, there is a clickable marked "Next Chapter" at the bottom of each chapter. It's right next to the "Review" clickable, which is also very nice to use, to let the author know what you thought.
  11. Hi, See my response in the Suggestions thread.
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