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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I've added you to the queue for account merger. It can take up to 48 hours, so bear with us.
  2. 29903
  3. 29901
  4. Hi, If you have a new archive account, we could merge the accounts as another option, which would save you having to request an account deletion of the old account. We'd just need the info on the new account.
  5. 29899
  6. I've had to file takedown notices for my published work. I found it on pirate sites, and did get it taken down. It's the stuff I'm publishing online, for free. I mean, really... just read it, and if you're needing to download it to read offline, just tell me. I'm pretty approachable, I think, and more than likely, I won't have an issue with it. It's the surreptitious stuff that bugs me. We do indeed have a timestamp of when a story was first published with us, and provided you haven't taken it down and reposted it, that date will be there forever. FFN does the same thing, and so does AO3. Any reputable site will do so, I find.
  7. 29896
  8. 29894
  9. Links for above: Lessons in Hedonism by Freya_Ishtar
  10. 29891
  11. I write original stuff that I post here, and sometimes on my blog as well. I also write original work that I actually publish. So, honestly, I have very mixed feelings as an author about people downloading my work. Just my tuppence, but I'd actually rather that people didn't download my online works. I really do mean it when I say that all rights are reserved by me.
  12. Oh, you can edit the chapter titles and content, of course, to move things around, absolutely! It's not a rule to delete, at all. It's just a bit more painstaking to make sure you edit the chapters properly, but that's perfectly fine. The reason I say it works better to put warnings at the top of chapters (as well as any secondary crossover disclaimers) is because readers aren't going to check the table of contents each time. I did a prompt series, but it was an ongoing story, with each prompt a new chapter. Because it was one story, I could tag in the summary, but readers tend to get vocal if they come across what they feel is untagged content. We have a few people who do drabble collections, and I've seen them put a short note at the top of the chapter with additional warnings, pairings and/or crossovers. The summary has the basic tags that would apply across the board, but if a story has a kink, they cover it in the chapter. It seems to work, especially since we have the 240 character limit in the summary/tag field.
  13. Definitely a more challenging question! If by anthology, you mean a collection of works that fall within a subdomain, and may or may not involve crossovers with other subdomains, may have different pairings, or different kinds of pairings, for example M/F or F/F, and/or may require differing tags per story, then yes, we would permit a Table of Contents in that case. We'd also ask that you tag each story at the top, and disclaim any crossover subdomains as needed in each story. That was the good news. The bad news is that there is no way to reorder the stories here, since they are posted as chapters within the main story (anthology). In order to change the order, you would need to delete and repost the chapters in the correct order, and if you delete ALL the chapters, you lose the ratings, reviews and hit count data associated with the anthology. And now for the Bonus Off-Topic Question: Right here in the Writers Corner, you'll see that people have posted all sorts of questions and conundrums. Admittedly, a great many of them seem to devolve into moans about the lack of reviews, but there are some truly useful discussions that crop up from time to time. We also have our Unofficial Guides which really has some gems in there. I suggest that you give us a précis of what you have for Point C and Point E, and see what others come up with as a logical way to bridge the gap. Even if no one hits on the exact Point D, you might find some inspiration in the brainstorming.
  14. 29887 (Off by one... as always! )
  15. 29885
  16. 29882
  17. 29880
  18. 29878
  19. 29875
  20. For The Sidhe's Apprentice: Thank you! What a lovely thing to wake up to this morning. I'm very happy that you enjoyed this story, and I agree. Alistair really is cute, especially when he gets flustered, which happens a lot. Thanks again from a very happy author!
  21. I've moved this to the search thread for the Inuyasha subdomain, since you'll have better luck with the request here.
  22. 29872
  23. 29865
  24. You do tend to develop a good readership base by posting weekly, and often garner more reviews as well. I'd recommend it myself.
  25. 29863
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