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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. One of the limitations of communication via post is the inability to determine tone and mood. I am not hostile, and in fact, I was making every effort to interpret your post as merely youthful brashness. To edit a simple misspelling does not require administrator input. In reading what you wrote earlier, it appears that you are confusing the procedure for merging stories that have been rewritten from the ground up, generally after the stories were completed, or if the author has decided to go in another direction. In such cases, we ask that the author post the rewritten version of the story separately, since editing multiple chapters in the Rich Text Editor, especially when there are extensive changes to be made, is difficult at best. At such time as the new version is either fully posted, or has reached the same point as the original story, we merge the statistics and reviews for the stories. This allows the author to retain all the original reviews, ratings, and hit count data as well as the statistics and reviews accrued on the rewritten version. In other words, we are not penalizing the author for rewriting a story. This is NOT the normal procedure for editing a story, which I do believe is quite clear in the FAQ on the topic. Database access is limited to DemonGoddess alone, to prevent corruption of the data. Given that she works full time and more, beyond the time she volunteers here at AFF, it would be irrational to have every single edit require her approval. I do not believe that I ever said to you that I know where everything is because I've been here forever. You would be hard pressed to find any of the staff having said that, nor do any of us see ourselves as part of an exclusive clique. I would prefer that you not put words into my mouth, so to speak. I am a blunt old thing, and I will say exactly what I mean. I will point out that your tone in your initial post was not exactly conducive to establishing a cordial atmosphere. Generally, when I offer constructive criticism, I do try to offer a bit of positive input as well as pointing out areas which can be improved. You might want to keep that in mind when you offer your critique of the site.
  2. I'm not understanding why you can't edit a story or chapter once it's been published. It's quite easy to do, and there is an option to edit the story. It's done in the Rich Text Editor. At no point in the process of submitting a story is administrator intervention necessary. It never has been. There is a validation procedure to create your account, and that's it. The rest is all done by the user directly. Can you point me to where you needed an adminstrator's approval? While we would love to be able to purchase new software, and revamp the archive, we are a free website. We make enough money from our advertising banners and the occasional member donation to cover our hosting costs and that's about it. The entire staff, owner, administrators, moderators and clean-up crew, are volunteers. We do this for the love of the site. We're well aware that we can't please everyone, and we're sorry that you find us lacking. Hopefully, you'll find another site more to your liking.
  3. Oraldeviant did not have a forum profile that I can find. There is no other site link or contact information on the archive profile. I can't vouch for offsite, so you may want to Google the author to see if you can find contact information elsewhere.
  4. oraldeviant pulled all stories from the site, and elsewhere. I really have no idea why, sorry!
  5. If the author has a forum profile, you can use the PM system. Otherwise, unless they've provided a way to contact them, there is no direct way.
  6. We have a format for these requests. Category name: Section category to be in: Do you have any stories for it?:
  7. I didn't find AFF until around 2009, and didn't register right away, although I was reading happily before then. Funny how fast this became "home," though...
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