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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. There is actually no "add story" link under Member Tools. You would need to go to the Author Panel option under Member Tools once you are properly logged in. That will take you to the page with a list of subdomains down the left side, and you will see the link to add a story under each subdomain. Just select the link in the correct subdomain, and follow the directions on the new page. If you need to see this laid out, we have a FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3552-how-to-add-a-story-using-rte/
  2. 32499 S'okay. I'm not terribly superstitious about numbers
  3. 32497 Always happy to be the sacrifice to karma!
  4. 32495 You could leave it for me next time, since I had the triple 4 and seem to still be here.
  5. I'm not coming up with anything in the records by that title. Do you have an author name?
  6. We absolutely understand the need to edit older stories, especially to fix formatting issues, and we're fine with that. The practice we don't allow is when people go in and regularly "edit" the same story every other day to keep it at the top of the listings. Obviously, editing an older story might take more than one pass, and we would not automatically assume you were intending to just alter the story's rankings. And of course, now that you've let us know what you're planning to do, we'll be aware not to worry.
  7. I think he did just that, which is the only reason they're even running FO out his way. They tend to not bother for one subscriber, but if a whole block or subdivision yells, they listen. And knowing magus, he had the troops mustered.
  8. There are hoards of absolutely silly pronouns meant to replace the usual gender-specific run. Personally, I think it's taking the notion of politically correct to an unspeakable extreme, and it's verging on offensive, since I quite happily refer to myself with female pronouns and don't want to be called "sie" (instead of he/she) or "hir" (instead of him/her) as I saw in one otherwise excellent article. Of course, even "sie" is in disfavor, and "zie" is preferred. Here's a good blog on the topic: https://genderneutralpronoun.wordpress.com/ CJ Cherryh has a race, the stsho, who are hermaphrodites and have three sexes. There are varying pronouns for the male sort of role, the female sort of role, the third gender who is most often the publicly seen gender, and those who are past sexual (neutral) and those who are between stages, since stsho can switch genders under stress or to complete a mating triad. (http://www.shinyfiction.com/cherryh-fan/chanur/stsho/stsho-gloss.html ) She covers the differences in conversation, or casually in a character's reflections, and it feels natural that way.
  9. BronxWench

    Original m/m

    ::is busily reading one of Ayato's published books:: I need more books, please?
  10. 32468 Melrick, it's all yours!
  11. ::sigh:: It takes a while to run a fiber optic line and get the damned thing set up when there isn't an existing framework. Hells, I live in NYC, and my building is JUST getting FiOS, although we have another cable system that uses copper lines. Magus will be back, and raring to go after all the family time he's been having, and we can all be happy that he spends some of his time writing for his readers, for free, because he loves telling his stories as much as his readers love reading them.
  12. I'm actually fine with Ne/Ner. It's been done before in science fiction, and works well with minimal explanation. Another character might make note of the use of the pronoun, and have an "oh, right! XX is a neutral!" sort of moment, and that's generally enough for most devoted readers of science fiction. Just my tuppence on the topic.
  13. 32462 I'm definitely leaving the 69 to Melrick
  14. Aaww, so no lunch at the new Tower, then? I'll admit to not being overly fond of heights, but I'm fine as long as I'm inside. One of the great scary moments of my life was doing the stroll along the outside of the dome atop St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
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