It's a splendid rant, but unless you give me something more to go on, I can't tell you why a particular story was deleted.
I will tell you that we wrote our Terms of Service in plain English, rather than in the legal gibberish most sites use. Go read there Terms of Service, and then read ours. We're not trying to be obtuse about what we require. We also try to make our review board warnings and email warnings very clear. We want people to understand HOW to fix an issue, because you're right about one thing. We're a fiction archive and we want to host fiction.
But we don't censor here. I've defended the right of authors to post things that I personally find utterly repugnant, as long as that story abides by the site's rules. I've had to review stories during my weekly sweeps that are so poorly written as to make my brain ache, but those stories remain on the site as long as they abide by the site's rules.
Do you see the common theme here? It's not about what I like, or what any moderator likes. It's about following the rules. If you're having an issue with following rules, then you are going to have a very unhappy life, because being an adult means following rules.
Now, if you;re ready to be an adult, please let me know what story is deleted, and we'll act like adults and discuss it rationally.