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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hooray! I'm going to be waiting eagerly for this to come out!
  2. You might want to check this thread.
  3. As we've stated before, the site is undergoing a code rewrite. One of the areas to be addressed is the possibility of making tags searchable, but as of this moment, we do not have interactive tags. My suggestion is to enclose the tag in quotes. While the search function only searches for tags of four letters or more, you can occasionally get results with using quotes when searching story summaries.
  4. We're in the process of upgrading the archive code. We tend to roll any upgrades out slowly and carefully, so we don't disrupt the normal functioning of the archive. One of the things being worked on is the ability to search by tag. Not being the coder, I can't tell you if the function will be able to search shorter tags. I can tell you that it's in the works, however.
  5. BronxWench

    Heartless naruto

    Just pointing out, because I'm heartily tired of the misconceptions about D/s, that Naruto as described above would be many things, but he would not be a dominant. The reason there are no stories with heartless doms might be because a dom can't afford to be a complete bastard. The submissive always, always, ALWAYS has the right to end a scene or walk away. They are not slaves, nor are they powerless in the relationship. In fact, the submissive shapes the relationship, not the dominant. I don't mind fiction, but portraying a lifestyle this incorrectly is just wrong, folks.
  6. The Georgian toasting forks were out in force last night. I adore my little Camelot.

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