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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. As you've outlined it above, this is actually not what we'd consider a remake, but is, yes, inspired by wierdmeijin, since everything you're using is clearly not proprietary or unique to his work. Given that any of us that write are inspired by something or someone, we're certainly more than happy to see you give him credit for inspiration. It might even inspire him to write again himself. So, now that I know what it is you're planning, I can say that it's entirely within the scope of our ToS, and we'd not have an issue with it at all. Happy writing!
  2. We don't allow remakes of fictions by other authors, and while I can't speak to the older issue of the Tomb Raider work you've posted here, I can certainly advise you that we would not accept this Naruto remake without permission from the original author. If they're no longer reachable, then sadly, we need to ask that you not post the remake here as it violates our Terms of Service: "You understand that when posting User Submissions, you are stating that any work submitted under your User Account is your own personal work and has not been in any part copied or plagiarized from any source. Furthermore, you understand that you are not to post anyone else's work without the express permission of the original copyright holder unless said work is part of Public Domain." This would include fan fictions written by another author.
  3. The one you beta'd was actually written by the plagiarist, and not stolen, but we ban the user for life once we've determined that they did indeed plagiarize. If the user tries to make new accounts, we ban those, too.
  4. There is nothing worse than a sick fur-baby. My wee corgi lass is apparently epileptic, and we need to start her on phenobarbitol for her seizures.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      Hope the medicine works.

    3. BronxWench


      Sadly, the meds weren't fast enough, and we've had to admit her to the hospital. She's in ICU, and sedated while they try to bring her seizures under control. She's only 16 months old, my poor lass...

    4. JayDee


      Jeez, that's young :( but they'll know what they're doing at the hospital, so I got my fingers crossed for you

  5. DG is tied up with a great many real life issues, as well as this being a holiday weekend for those of us in the United States. Patience is recommended.
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