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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Oh, my dear sweet hairy gods on fucking pogo sticks... Please kill me now. People have actually THOUGHT about this in that much depth? :bash:
  2. Hi, That sounds like you're not logged in properly. When you first create or activate an archive account, you use the center fields to log in, but after that point, you need to use only the fields in the upper right corner. Go up to the upper right corner of the archive page, and log out, even if you think you're already logged out. The fields should revert to blank. Then input your email address and the password in those upper right fields. Remember that passwords are case sensitive, so if you used a capital letter anywhere when making the password, it always has to be a capital letter. Once you go to Control Panel > Harry Potter > Add, you should see a screen with a number of fields: The rest is pretty self explanatory. You complete the fields, enter the recaptcha, and get taken to the Rich Text Editor where you can add the first chapter of your story. Adding additional chapters will bypass this screen and take you straight to the Rich Text Editor, so that part is easier. I hope this helps!
  3. 33799
  4. 33796
  5. 33793
  6. 33791
  7. Hooray to CL! Now, if we'd been clever, we could have come up with some sort of award for being the first to finish NaNo. Hmmm... you've already had cameo appearances in Chrissy and DA's stories, so that's out. You probably don't want to be anywhere near mine. Perhaps tweaking and polishing the manuscript? I'd volunteer to beta, although more eyes are good!
  8. Happy Birthday to our very own DemonGoddess061! Have a great one, DG! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      ...and from me!

    3. KoKoa_B


      Happy belated, DG!

    4. GeorgeGlass


      As my dad always used to say sometime after my birthday, "Happy Unbirthday!" This may be the only reference to fantasy literature that he has made in his lifetime.

  9. Happy Birthday to our very own GemonGoddess061! Have a great one, DG! :D

    1. JayDee


      whoa! DG had another birthday? It seems to happen every year now! Well, hope you have a nice day DG.

  10. Okay, so I'm not really an arachnophobe, but given the enormous spiders in Dragon Age, hells, in any D&D based fic, I'd imagine there are some out there. I just can't recall any, although I'm having a sudden urge to write something with driders...
  11. 33787
  12. 33785
  13. 33782
  14. Hi, Blueshirt, and wecome! Glad to have you aboard. We're generally a friendly bunch, and we look forward to getting to know you.
  15. 33777
  16. 33773
  17. I'd love it if I inspired a story! Especially a JayDee story! ::cackles gleefully::
  18. HEY! No eating the Dragon Wench's pretty psychopath! Do you know how much necromancy takes out of me? Now I'll have to go and devour a few more villagers, and they go RIGHT TO MY HIPS! ::unfurls wings and takes off, still grumbling::
  19. 33770
  20. So, can I get a night with Yorwrath as a reward?
  21. 33766
  22. 33764
  23. 33762
  24. 25,706 words! I'm halfway there!
  25. 33759
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