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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. DG has been working on it, but real life sometimes needs to take precedence, since the staff here, all of us, volunteer our time and relevant expertise. We need to do those things that pay the bills and feed our families, too. Hang in there, and it will be worth the wait.
  2. Blackkitten23, you already have an archive account, and a forum account. What are you trying to do? If you're trying to log into your existing account, you shouldn't get a verification email. You don't need one.
  3. I got gorgeous stained glass suncatchers for the umpteen sliders in the lake place. I love how the bungalow gets so much sun. The best gift was watching the spawn open their gifts, though. They had a good Christmas.
  4. BronxWench


    Apparently, it bears mentioning yet again. If a story has been deleted from the archive, either by the author or by the staff, please DO NOT ask for a copy of that work. It violates our Forum rules as clearly stated at the top of each Search thread and as listed in the Forum Rules post pinned to the top of each thread: "If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected."
  5. Santa's Rosy Cheeks You had me at the drunken dragons pulling Santa's sleigh (nudges foe because we WOULD do that) and kept me giggling as you introduced your merry cast of characters, with all their delightful eccentricities. You have a marvelous gift for comedic writing, and I was giggling the entire time I was reading, at least until I burst out in delighted laughter. I really don't think I can even point to one bit and say, "This was my favorite!" because each time I thought I'd found a favorite bit, I read on and IT GOT BETTER! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And CL, thank you! Sorry to have made you melancholy, though. Sadly, I'm not a very cheerful writer lately, although I managed a happier than usual ending. The whole polarity thing between the Holly King and the Oak King always intrigued me, because whoever had the bright idea that the seasonal swing should be marked by death? Eh, we weren't as afraid of death back then, I suppose. It was just part of the dance. But let's see if I can manage something less gloomy the next time, although I'm not even going to try to compete with you and DA for the comedy crown. You two are way too good at that!
  6. I will email him and explain to him that he needs to contact staff or learn to read the FAQ threads.
  7. I thought I would do a little shameless self promotion once again, since I've been posting chapters in the holiday themed Round Robins kindly hosted by the delightful and talented ChrissyQuinn. So, to that end, here are some links for you: From the Hallowe'en themed AFF's Tales from the Shoutbox 2015 collection, we have Feed the Land. And from the winter holiday collection, AFF's Deck the Shoutbox 2015, I offer Yule's Gift. Enjoy, and if you care to leave a review for me, or any of the other very talented participants, we'd all appreciate it!
  8. And more reviews! A Very Cliched Christmas I'm not even sure where to begin, so let's just say that I'm still giggling. When you set out to hit every slash cliche, you certainly mean it, including the dreaded MPreg! I'm even willing to forgive the anal cervix, though, because this was abso-fucking-lutely, brilliantly funny. My Santa hat is off to you for one of the most delightful parodies ever to tickle the pixels of my monitor. And it'll be all your fault that I sit up all Christmas Eve, hoping to snag one of those pretty reindeer. The Phone, Part II Oh, Des, yet another absorbing and slightly disturbing look into your dystopia. It's such a complex world, but there are still certain truths that hold for humanity, no matter what, and you bring those out so well. No matter what, remembering those lost is always going to be one of our very human traits. Of course, sometimes the tables are turned, as you have done in this story. Thank you!
  9. Our Hermione/George category is here. Hermione/Fred can be found here.
  10. Auld Lang Syne Another sweet and lovely story! I can actually empathize a great deal with Jamila and that awful sense of holiday blahs. Sometimes all the enforced merriment is enough to make me want to hide on a cold porch, too. But let me tell you what I loved about this story. You took a kiss and turned it into this utterly wonderful, sweet awakening, and even though they didn't manage to get past the kiss (not for lack of desire, mind you!), it was still a beautiful consummation of new feelings. A new year is a beginning, and Jamila and Cory are definitely beginning something special. Thank you for this treat of a story! And thank you, KoKoa, for the lovely review. I really was always intrigued by the way the Holly King and Oak King change places at the Solstices, and being me, I had to poke it. I'm sure the gods will kick my butt at some point for this one, but it was too good to pass up. I'm glad Derwen's heartache came through. I thought it made more sense to have him be the one who had gotten sick of the endless cycle, although he presides over the winter months as well.
  11. I'll add this to the queue for email redaction. It can take at least 48 hours or more, due to real life obligations for our tech admin, so please be patient. In future, when reviewing while not logged in, you can use the word "Private" in the email field. You can also use a pen name rather than your real name. Thanks!
  12. Link for above: Candy by TheDarkWonker
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