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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 34549
  2. Hi, One of the things we're looking at as part of the rewrite is to make tags a separate field, and to look at the search feature for them. Not being a coder myself, I can't tell you if the shorter tags will be searchable, but let's see what our team can come up with. As far as accessing your account, I can help with that. It looks like you need to register under the updated code, and we have a handy FAQ for that. You can even reset your password: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/
  3. 34545
  4. That would be because the hotmail account is not the email account associated with that profile. It will not let you log in with anything other than the account we have of record, which is a gmail account. I will not leave that account out here for spambots, so please email me for that information. Thanks!
  5. 34542
  6. 34540
  7. 34538
  8. BronxWench

    Reality Shifted

    maggiemay's profile
  9. 34536
  10. I'm not showing any account here at AFF associated with that particular email address. I'm also not seeing any account with a specific pen name of just mcbeth, although I believe this may be the account in question: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296966744 If this is your account, please let me know. For the sake of preventing spambots from harvesting your email address, you can contact me via PM or at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  11. 34534
  12. 34528
  13. 34526
  14. 34524
  15. 34522
  16. 34520
  17. 34518
  18. 34515
  19. 34513
  20. I guess the first step is to decide what kind of villainy you want. There's the overt villainy, like wiping out an orphanage, or targeting schools/hospitals/malls with weapons of mass destruction. Then there's the more subtle villainy, the reasonable leader who gradually institutes more draconian measures until you realize you have no freedom left, or who engineers a collapse of your defenses by treachery and deceit, working behind the scenes through people he's corrupted. For the overt kind, any slaughter of innocents works for me in making me want to see the villain get his, preferably painfully. For the subtle kind, I'd rather it take a good month to kill that one. Slow, very agonizing, and with great inventiveness.
  21. 34510
  22. 34508
  23. @Dark listen: Yes, I do. Here on AFF, I'm BronxWench. Elsewhere, I write as Morwen Navarre, and you might have seen my banner ad here on AFF.
  24. 34506
  25. 34504
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