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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Thanks, Joe, and you have my very sincere wishes that you find a good publisher. Don't be afraid to look at smaller, niche houses. Sometimes you can really do well with them, if you don't mind doing a little work on your own to market. Twitter, blogs, even Facebook if you tread carefully - these are all ways to reach potential readers, and don't cost you anything. What I've published thus far is all niche stuff. I write gay erotica for publication, and I'm fine with my niche. I might also sell some mainstream some day, but who knows? In the meantime, I'm making a little space on the bookshelf for the rest of it.
  2. I'm one of the authors here who started with fan fiction, got comfortable enough to branch out into original fiction, and now have some work out there with a publisher. Look around, find publishers who offer books in the genre in which you're writing (and don't settle for only the bigger houses), and read their submission guidelines. Submit, submit, submit, and when you do, take it down from any online sites. No one wants to publish a work that's available for free. Make sure you've read your manuscript, had a beta reader look it over, checked grammar, punctuation and spelling, formatted it properly, and GO FOR IT. You'll never know if you don't try. And if someone does take your story, be prepared to toss your ego into a closet when you're assigned to an editor...
  3. I've not had that happen myself, but we'll see what DG says. I only access via desktop, not mobile device, which is why I asked. I'd assumed it might be a mobile issue.
  4. Hi, You need to log into the archive, using the upper right fields. Click on Control Panel. Navigate to the subdomain where your story is posted, and click "Delete" and select your story from the dropdown menu that will appear.
  5. Melrick, from your desktop or from a mobile device?
  6. We don't have a button, and we have no ETA as to when we will, unfortunately. However, in the interim, this FAQ explains how to add stories to Recommended Reading as it exists currently: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29596-how-to-use-the-new-recommended-reading/
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